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Wot i should do


So how old are you? I take it insurance isnt an issue if youre looking at a williams?

Id go for a williams as well to be honest, looks better imo
  Massey6465 & saxo1.1

Whos got old maxpower mags here? Shes babe of the cruise(!) in one of them, Back to the topic,she would probably be suited to a newer shape clio-dont you think the willy is for boys?
  Massey6465 & saxo1.1

Soz didnt mean it to sound like that,She drives a 1.2 corsa at the mo and I reckon summing like a Dynamique would be a step up,Shed have fun in a williams but it would be a wierd change I rekon.......
  Vee dub

But have you seen some of the "Babes" from cruises in max power?



Im sure shes lovely but from some pics i have see in those mags!!

But as Mike says..


hi everyone tucks took a pic of me but wasnt very gud he took it tonite and said u lot were buggin him to get one he shud be on later or tomoro.

Welcome to Cliosport, you have to watch some of the people on here, theyre weird! especially Mike!

what issue of max power were you in?
  Vee dub


nice one tucks!

Weston?? :oops:

[Edited by TomS cus he got a bit exited while typing!]
  Massey6465 & saxo1.1

If shes around I think shed have come,but she dont actually live down here anymore:mad:,(shes here on hol) She wants a clio though,so I told her about this place,(she might be a bit peeved cus she didnt know I took the one where shes on the phone!),offered to buy her chips in exchange for pics...........
  Vee dub

lol @ matt

Good deal with the chips tucks!! lol

Shame, have to invite her to some of our other meets then fella! ;)

  Vee dub

How YOU doin? ;)

Have you scared tucks off?

lol - wondered why he hasnt been heer for a while! lol

He made me mad last nite but i forgive him now!

hes been out a lot more now thats all hes got to pick me up tonite heavy nite of drinking :D
