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Xperia x10

  clio sport f1 r27
G/f got one a few days ago but ffs is the battery ment to be so much worse than my iPhone even on stanby at night when she went to bed it was full when she checked in morning it was on 40%?? she really likes the phone but if it's that bad it's going back before the 14 days are up!!???
  Revels Mum & Sister
It will need a few charge cycles and you may need to kill a few background apps. The battery should be on a par with the iphone.

Send a PM to Liquid Yellow off here she has one and can comment better!
  Mini Cooper S sport
Yep, battery is pretty s**t, it needs charging almost daily. But I guess that's what you get with a high end phone that uses lots of juice.

Download Advanced Task Killer on Android Market. It's free and closes background apps.


  A thirsty 172
Turn off Bluetooth and Wi-Fi if they're not being used as well. That'll save you quite a bit of battery.
  Mini Cooper S sport
^^ yeah that too, and you can turn down the screen brightness a bit.

Also, in Settings, stop it checking for updates on Twitter/email/FB constantly, change it to every hour or more.

I love it when LY gets all tech!

I don't really know what I'm talking about though :eek:
