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Do we need new reps?


ClioSport Club Member
Not normally one to challenge the status quo but nothing seems to get organised, at all, in the South West (Bristol, Gloucester, Bath) in any reasonable manner.

I believe our rep is Emma who hasnt logged in since the 5th May this year! CountryBumpkin not since 1st May!!

I am by no means putting my name into the ring (see the poorly organised Bristol Clique meet!) but surely something needs to be done?

We seem to have quite a few in this area but none of us have ever met except to buy parts or sell cars to each other. Poor!!

It would be good for the SW to become a solid region for CS. Perhaps better to divide into two parts more clearly (I know we already have 2 reps) - Perhaps Devon/Cornwall & North Somerset, Bristol, Bath & Gloucestershire.

Certainly, someone needs to be more proactive. Comparing CS to say, MX5OC we are truly a long way off. They have monthly regional meets that are better attended than convoys to CSS!


Apologies if I have ruffled feathers or should have gone about this in a different manner. Do feel free to remove.
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ClioSport Club Member
Reps are overrated IMO.

Scrap app them all and arrange what you want.

something about the new website will be better apparently though, so I'd wait it out for now :)


ClioSport Club Member

I wouldnt know - I've certainly not been herded by any!!

Just seeing how another club is run has opened my eyes to the potential. If you don't turn up to an MX5OC meet after saying you will you get shunned!!

The Boosh!

ClioSport Admin
  Elise, Duster
We're re-doing reps when we move over to the new forum.

This is still tbc but will be sometime soon - When Nik has got over being newly married and get's back from his honeymoon most probably.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
We have regular meets further south, Lawro goes, plenty from Taunton and so does a lad from Wiltshire.

However Emma doesn't even own a clio any more let alone organise meets and Dan can only cover Devon/Cornwall while he's not on deployment.

I've tried organising meets before but unfortunately some members are total arseholes when it comes to complaining about meets or not bothering to show.


ClioSport Club Member
We're re-doing reps when we move over to the new forum.

This is still tbc but will be sometime soon - When Nik has got over being newly married and get's back from his honeymoon most probably.

Good idea. I don't mean for this thread to sound moany or annoying jsut we have a lot of potential that needs grappling with!!

We have regular meets further south, Lawro goes, plenty from Taunton and so does a lad from Wiltshire.

However Emma doesn't even own a clio any more let alone organise meets and Dan can only cover Devon/Cornwall while he's not on deployment.

I've tried organising meets before but unfortunately some members are total arseholes when it comes to complaining about meets or not bothering to show.

Yeah - I know you make an effort and have a solid meeting a the Barn Owl. Unfortunately us lot up here having nothing so concrete. Someone from Wiltshire shouldn't have to travel all that way. Good commitment though! This club is big enough to have a rep for here.

Complaining? How so? In terms of whats happening or the lack of them?

I've never even seen a post from CountryBumpkin!


ClioSport Club Member
Tbh Bristol etc should have its own section as majority of the SW meets happen down in Devon, which even for me/Vikki is a 2hr journey each way.


I think Bath / Bristol is a good catchment area. Have a meet somewhere like The Bull in Hinton (where the MX5OC do their's) which is easily reached from both places.

Devon is too far. Bristol to Exeter is a good 1hr 30 in average traffic.


ClioSport Moderator
Agree with your post to a certain extent but as Jaff pointed out.. why do you need to rely on someone else to organise you meeting up with a couple of CS friends? The appropriate sections are within the forum to suggest all meeting up somewhere at a certain time/date. I agree that reps aren't really needed. Be your own rep!


ClioSport Club Member
Agree with your post to a certain extent but as Jaff pointed out.. why do you need to rely on someone else to organise you meeting up with a couple of CS friends? The appropriate sections are within the forum to suggest all meeting up somewhere at a certain time/date. I agree that reps aren't really needed. Be your own rep!

I do not have a problem with arranging meets with 'friends' off here. After all, they are friends! I dont feel that this falls nto the category of a CS Event. I, personally, have no problems with putting myself out there and meeting people but for others it can take a little push and persuasion to get them out!

My reasoning - apart from CSS there has been absolutely nothing for those of us who reside in this part of the country. Why not?
Of those people I have met, all have been top blokes. The point is - how many have we not met?

I understand completely the place of cliques and mini meets on here but, as a club with 81,000 registered users, surely there needs to be some form of organised activity to make membership more than faceless comments on an internet forum. I'll keep harping on about it but please bear with me, seeing the difference between somewhere like the MX5 Owners club and here, on a local and national level, is, quite frankly, a bit embarrassing. Yes, the MX5OC has a slightly more mature customer base than here but the point still applies. Maximum value from a place like CS is actually getting out there, meeting and talking with people.

I can't see any downside to having someone organise things for us. I would like to see the introduction of regular-ish meets (perhaps once a quarter?) and certainly some meet, drive, lunch type events. We have Wales on our doorstep after all.

Perhaps my thoughts are too lofty. I just feel like we are missing out.


ClioSport Moderator
I do not have a problem with arranging meets with 'friends' off here. After all, they are friends! I dont feel that this falls nto the category of a CS Event. I, personally, have no problems with putting myself out there and meeting people but for others it can take a little push and persuasion to get them out!

My reasoning - apart from CSS there has been absolutely nothing for those of us who reside in this part of the country. Why not?
Of those people I have met, all have been top blokes. The point is - how many have we not met?

I understand completely the place of cliques and mini meets on here but, as a club with 81,000 registered users, surely there needs to be some form of organised activity to make membership more than faceless comments on an internet forum. I'll keep harping on about it but please bear with me, seeing the difference between somewhere like the MX5 Owners club and here, on a local and national level, is, quite frankly, a bit embarrassing. Yes, the MX5OC has a slightly more mature customer base than here but the point still applies. Maximum value from a place like CS is actually getting out there, meeting and talking with people.

I can't see any downside to having someone organise things for us. I would like to see the introduction of regular-ish meets (perhaps once a quarter?) and certainly some meet, drive, lunch type events. We have Wales on our doorstep after all.

Perhaps my thoughts are too lofty. I just feel like we are missing out.

Don't get me wrong, I see completely where you are coming from but if you think about it, what is the difference between yourself and a rep suggesting something? If you have a good idea, share it and I'm sure people will jump on the bandwagon.


ClioSport Club Member
I completely agree and that option has always been open. But, given the track record, its obviously not working!

I'm in danger of opening a larger can of worms than simply a rep for the Bristol / Bath area. If the reps are ineffective as is being suggested - why bother? We should either do it properly or not at all. A rep should mean something, at the moment it means nothing. Again, MX5OC reps have some status and organise some good events leading to a more wholesome club environment.

I think we all just need a kick up the ass to get us out from behind our laptops and doing the fun stuff which is going for a drink and meeting people.

I've changed my mind and will be putting myself forward as and when the time comes.


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
Back in ye olde days all the meets were Bristol way, back when will dot was a rep.

I agree with the lack of action up country though, especially as the north east limits of the region aren't clear.

R.e. People complaining - 'oh it's stupid holding it in that month because I've got something I'd rather be doing then' 'that location's s**t' 'I don't want to drive that far (but will happily drive hundreds of miles in the other direction'

and my personal favourite;
'Yeah, I'll go, can't wait'
A week before the meet;
'Can't do this now' or ' (silence) '

I was going to put myself forward as a rep, but this unreliability and b**ching means I refuse to book anything as I know I'll be left out of pocket.


ClioSport Moderator
I completely agree and that option has always been open. But, given the track record, its obviously not working!

I'm in danger of opening a larger can of worms than simply a rep for the Bristol / Bath area. If the reps are ineffective as is being suggested - why bother? We should either do it properly or not at all. A rep should mean something, at the moment it means nothing. Again, MX5OC reps have some status and organise some good events leading to a more wholesome club environment.

I think we all just need a kick up the ass to get us out from behind our laptops and doing the fun stuff which is going for a drink and meeting people.

I've changed my mind and will be putting myself forward as and when the time comes.

It's evident you're passionate about it so send the appropriate people (admins) a PM, ask them about volunteering!
We arrange all our meets and it's not a case of people not showing or being assholes, if it's a s**t idea or one that people aren't interested in then it won't happen. Luckily we're all good friends and every meet we have is a good one, yes it's not fair that the northern lot (anywhere north of exeter) have to travel down so far all the time which is why we're arranging some more meets further up. I for one appreciate the time and money it costs coming so far down which is why I'm happy to put the effort in for those that continue to do the same, each and every month, sometimes more often.

We don't need reps, just a good social circle to agree an activity. Personally I think reps should pay the membership fee just like everyone else unless they're proven to be pushing out meets etc consistently and successfully.


ClioSport Club Member
Back in ye olde days all the meets were Bristol way, back when will dot was a rep.

I agree with the lack of action up country though, especially as the north east limits of the region aren't clear.

R.e. People complaining - 'oh it's stupid holding it in that month because I've got something I'd rather be doing then' 'that location's s**t' 'I don't want to drive that far (but will happily drive hundreds of miles in the other direction'

and my personal favourite;
'Yeah, I'll go, can't wait'
A week before the meet;
'Can't do this now' or ' (silence) '

I was going to put myself forward as a rep, but this unreliability and b**ching means I refuse to book anything as I know I'll be left out of pocket.

Yes we definitely need to divide up the region a lot better. The SW doesn't look that big on a map but unless you're the M5, it takes hours to get anywhere! The region needs to be divided up I think with a good working relationship between the SW divisions for the larger events (track days, drives etc.).

Yes, this forum does have a reputation for being rather flakey!! But, you'll get that anywhere and with everything. Those who want to will come, hopefully those who don't will feel bad and endeavour to attend at some point!

I dont think I (or any rep) should plan on anything so spectacular in a failing region like our, just get people to a pub and get talking! Then, when the attendance is better and people feel comfortable take it forward from there. We just need to take that very basic first step!

It's evident you're passionate about it so send the appropriate people (admins) a PM, ask them about volunteering!

Taken it straight to the top old boy ;)

Although - would it mean I have to purchase a Clio?! Please god no! Haha.


ClioSport Club Member
We arrange all our meets and it's not a case of people not showing or being assholes, if it's a s**t idea or one that people aren't interested in then it won't happen. Luckily we're all good friends and every meet we have is a good one, yes it's not fair that the northern lot (anywhere north of exeter) have to travel down so far all the time which is why we're arranging some more meets further up. I for one appreciate the time and money it costs coming so far down which is why I'm happy to put the effort in for those that continue to do the same, each and every month, sometimes more often.

We don't need reps, just a good social circle to agree an activity. Personally I think reps should pay the membership fee just like everyone else unless they're proven to be pushing out meets etc consistently and successfully.

I didnt know reps didnt have to pay!! Cheeky b******s. Ours definitely arent getting maximum value from their freebie.

I completely understand what you're saying and you lot have a good bunch down there. But, I think its unreasonable to ask people to travel 3 hours for a meet. Most probably in one evening. We have 3 reps for the SW anyway but the 2 northern most are ineffective so we are forced to have Exeter as the only option. That is not right. We have enough members in Bristol, Bath, North Somerset and Gloucestershire to warrant our own region.

Also, its great that you guys have that but where is the outreach side of things? I've certainly never been invited or hounded into attending (and I should have been because I'm awesome). Maybe thats the sales side of me coming out, who knows.

I just think we can do better as a club is all. Rep is just a title at the end of the day; attendance and success is ultimately down to the members. If they aren't on board then what's the point?

I bring this up only because someone needs to take it by the reins. Its no good just hoping that eventually more people will attend and we'll become more of a tight - knit bunch. "Build it and they will come" seems to be failing so far....
I didnt know reps didnt have to pay!! Cheeky b*****ds. Ours definitely arent getting maximum value from their freebie.

I completely understand what you're saying and you lot have a good bunch down there. But, I think its unreasonable to ask people to travel 3 hours for a meet. Most probably in one evening. We have 3 reps for the SW anyway but the 2 northern most are ineffective so we are forced to have Exeter as the only option. That is not right. We have enough members in Bristol, Bath, North Somerset and Gloucestershire to warrant our own region.

Also, its great that you guys have that but where is the outreach side of things? I've certainly never been invited or hounded into attending (and I should have been because I'm awesome). Maybe thats the sales side of me coming out, who knows.

I just think we can do better as a club is all. Rep is just a title at the end of the day; attendance and success is ultimately down to the members. If they aren't on board then what's the point?

I bring this up only because someone needs to take it by the reins. Its no good just hoping that eventually more people will attend and we'll become more of a tight - knit bunch. "Build it and they will come" seems to be failing so far....

Yeah I wouldn't like to drive all that way all the time, especially if the meets were mediocre, but we all have a good laugh and everyone enjoys themselves. Like I said, I'd be happy to drive up to somerset/bristol to make it fairer on the more northen lot, as others are too. It would be a shame IMO to have the south west sectioned off and lose some of our regular attenders, but if that's what happens, so be it. I'd still come up to a different meet to catch up.

We do have the barn owl thread, and it's regularly updated if we change location/pub as is the SW facebook page. You should come to the next one! (don't try and sell me anything though unless it's clio parts)

I agree we can do better but a lot of members have gone off with renaultUK as they don't get on with the forum. To be honest the majority are a bunch of cretins that can't handle a bit of forum banter or string an understandable sentence together.


ClioSport Club Member
I shall do sir!!

Although Mx5 on the M5 is not fun haha.

I agree, it would be a shame to divide the region. But, it needn't be rigid. Even if the reps role up here is to get people in their region to attend your meet (or a halfway meet) - thats a good thing, surely! We could work something out for sure, as I mentioned, the 2 regions within a region should have a close working relationship.

Whatever the social calendar, whatever the location, whatever the activity just need someone to do something pro-active. Unless CountryBumpkin or Emma step up, that is. No disrespect to them at all but, in my 18 months on the forum not once has anything crossed my bow regarding any local meet from either of them. I'm sure in the past, they were great.

Anyway, this is all speculation. I have been advised that it is all in hand.

It would be good to hear from more of those in the SW to get their opinions on the current state of play?
Oh yeah! I forgot about the mx5! You should DEFINITELY come, I love mx5's.

I didn't think about that, it seems like it could work very well, providing all reps get along with one another.

I have to say, In my time here (just over a year) I have only ever heard of Emma, and I've never heard of countrybumpkin until you mentioned him/her. I know Dan, has work commitments so he can't help that, but when he's back home he's good at what he does, and he's a nice bloke too. I've not been able to attend his last cornwall meet due to funds, but I'll be making the effort to go to the next.

I'd like to see some fresh blood sorting things out, so get organizing! ;)
I did a Bristol meet once! No idea where it was, just that it was on an industrial estate. Me & Pete (Mace) went to it.
If you guys were closer, I'd come to another one. I can't drive 2.45 hours for one :( ...but if you guys fancy a lash up night one weekend etc, I'm game for that!


ClioSport Club Member

Case in point!! Haha.

Yeah I think SW stay as one region but multiple reps organising more local meets with greater cooperation between the reps. Just tidies everything up.

As mentioned before, I am happy for those who would want to travel down etc. to stay at my house. We have 3 spare bedrooms!! They should be put to more use than just our swingers parties.

It just seems a shame as those whom I have met, parts, selling cars etc have all been top blokes. Just need to make sure that we all meet everyone!

Your post there about Emma & CountryBumpkin sums up the situation perfectly - no one has heard of them!


Macca fan boiiiii
ClioSport Club Member
I think a part of it is that a lot happens on the CSSW facebook page rather than the forum, making it look a lot deader than it actually is and leaves people like yourself out of the loop.
@l33th3tr33 Dan has been begging for people to sign up to Castle for ages and you haven't got your name down yet.

And +1 on coming down to Barn Owl. But then I said that the other day too ;)
I think a part of it is that a lot happens on the CSSW facebook page rather than the forum, making it look a lot deader than it actually is.
@l33th3tr33 Dan has been begging for people to sign up to Castle for ages and you haven't got your name down yet.

And +1 on coming down to Barn Owl. But then I said that the other day too ;)

TBH I have zero interest in hillclimb so it's a pointless meet for me to attend. I'm sure people can understand not wanting to drive all that way to be bored, hence my name not being on the list.
You can have the most dedicated reps in the world, but unless people really want to attend a meet you'll struggle to persuade people to go.

As mentioned, those that are keen need to start a thread, with a date and a location within the title and see what happens. It's always the 'where/when?!' threads that never take off because it turns into pages of 'I can't do the XX' and people who do pop in to see 'when' it is, realise it's not actually been agreed and may not check back again.


ClioSport Club Member

Agreed. Only as good as the members and willingness to do it. A rep who actually logs in more than once every 2 months cant hurt though!

Anyhoo, I'mm off to get ready for my monthly meet haha.
  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
We should do a similar meet to the barn owl but in the Bristol/Bath region really.. Maybe the last Friday of the month or something so it's alternate to the Barn Owl meet.
