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Do we need new reps?

  A4 DTM/iceberg cup
haven't attended a meet since the old reps schweppy and Justin were doing their bit in bristol. They worked hard to bring people together back then, very hard.

Also the old Carlton exmouth, airfield days used to bring people together well. Gone are the days.


ClioSport Club Member
Something that this thread got me thinking about - has there been a poll about how far (time & distance) people would be willing to travel to a meet?

I have a similar problem in my region, in that I'm down on the South Coast, and most local meets are in Pompey/Basingstoke/Reading, which are like an hour or two away from me, which is nearly impossible in the evening after work.


  172 track thingy
Everything that's been picked up in this thread I brought forward with mods/admin about a month ago, I gave up trying to PM the other south west reps when I checked their last login dates.

The ideas put forward and being discussed are having at least 2 very active reps with SW north and SW south positions being covered in the area, I personally would prefer 3 active reps with a south, Central and North parts of this area being covered.

I have been told to hold fire for the time being as the new forum is bringing in new ideas for the setup but I haven't been told what that will entail tbh.

I did ask how long it will take before things start to happen and have had no reply.

We do have a rather large idea looking to happen in September and if nothing is in place by then I suppose I will have to look for volunteers to help me from Northern parts.

If anyone wants me to put anything (at all) forward or ask any questions then send me a PM :)


  172 track thingy
Also I have no time away with work for the foreseeable future :)

There is a meet to support our south west Motorsport competitors that we are trying get the wind in the sails for but it really seems like people can't be bothered (can understand it's a trek from Exeter and above), but with it being in ok distance from plymouth I was surprised people don't wana all come together for a group BBQ or something along them lines never mind the Hillclimb event.
  FF Clio 182
I always trying to plan meets in the Bristol, Cheltenham and Swindon on ClioSportOwnersClub but it's hard getting dates where a large amount of people are free.

With access to two such large groups in sure I could get some good meets going.

Ps I don't mind being a rep for my area
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ClioSport Club Member
Everything that's been picked up in this thread I brought forward with mods/admin about a month ago, I gave up trying to PM the other south west reps when I checked their last login dates.

The ideas put forward and being discussed are having at least 2 very active reps with SW north and SW south positions being covered in the area, I personally would prefer 3 active reps with a south, Central and North parts of this area being covered.

I have been told to hold fire for the time being as the new forum is bringing in new ideas for the setup but I haven't been told what that will entail tbh.

I did ask how long it will take before things start to happen and have had no reply.

We do have a rather large idea looking to happen in September and if nothing is in place by then I suppose I will have to look for volunteers to help me from Northern parts.

If anyone wants me to put anything (at all) forward or ask any questions then send me a PM :)

Hi Dan,

Thank you for wading in on this. I, too, received the same reply from The Boosh. Everything will be looked at when we get the new forum.

The title of this thread should actually have been - do we need our own region? I think. 3 reps seems much more sensible, working closely together to align the SW. I just checked and there is 3 hours 20 mins and 194 miles between you and me!! Thats too far for you to be my rep haha.

The reps we have atm are ineffective -we need new ones. I think we also need to formally divide up the region. Basically echoing your post above.

I would like to see a monthly meet in place for us 'northerners' too.
  Pug 206 SW, 172 CUP
It's great that the club still has enthusiasm but bear in mind that some members are just not in a position to come to meets. My Clio sits on the drive most of the time for a reason. I take it for a drive at most once a week at un-godly hours to keep the cobwebs out so I don't encroach on family time and I can spend 10 quid max on fuel each time. The car was bought as a cheap occasional track day tool which is why it is shared, I do every bit of work on it I can myself and is bog standard. All I can offer is my membership fee, help online to other people regarding jobs I've done on my car or experiences with it and an occasional opinion in a discussion thread that may or may not upset the apple cart. It really isn't a case of not being bothered. My salary means my time is split between family, topping up my income in a covers band and fixing stuff to keep outgoings down. I'd love to come to meets but chances of me being free and having the funds are low. A decade ago when I was in the XROC and I had less filling up the day I attended a lot more. Sorry I can't support Clio sport more.
  Caterham 270R
I have not been on one for years , alot of the old skool lot have moved on and bought different cars and we have all lost touch.. which is a shame...

Me and Josh have done a couple of local small Bath meets buts thats all ,
You don't need a rep to organise good meets. East Midlands region is fine without!

Set a thread up with a time and place for a monthly meet. Don't ask people where and when just set it as you feel fit. The turnout will get better each month. That's exactly what chip has done with the tawny owl monthly meet.

Once you have that set solid you can start organising other meets. Take a look at this thread for an idea on how to gauge the best location using Google custom maps.

We had a brill turn out, was over 20 people iirc


  172 track thingy
Nope totally agree people time and money has got less and less, I feel it over 5 years and obviously since the max power hay days of 10 years ago there is a huge difference in turn outs for any meet, more enthusiast based meets than large number meets I would say.

Obviously city meets will attract more members due to population density and as the south west is massively rural (probably the most rural area of the UK) as well as having a huge travel from one side to another we are massively against the odds down here compared to other areas.

But like I said again we do need to inject some more effort and enthusiasm into the general area and get people excited again, which I thought the larger-ish RR meets would have been the catalyst for it but it seems to have fizzled out.

Other areas have the perks of people being more interested because they have a major racetrack in easy traveling distance that usually get a good surround area of Motorsport interested people.

As for the area being split, I would prefer it to stay as the south west in total and informally between area reps agreement that each area rep has a part of the area to focus on with the smaller meets, larger meets will be occasional but I would like to see people come from across the entire area (if possible) and not use the excuse we will just stick to the local ones.


  172 track thingy
Agreed. SW as one region with multiple SW reps covering North, Central and South.

Lets see what happens hey!!

Want to wade in Emma @countrybumpkin ?

Please edit out there names, CS tower are sorting it out not us so we don't need any explanations.
  E46 M3 & UR Quattro
Something that this thread got me thinking about - has there been a poll about how far (time & distance) people would be willing to travel to a meet?

I have a similar problem in my region, in that I'm down on the South Coast, and most local meets are in Pompey/Basingstoke/Reading, which are like an hour or two away from me, which is nearly impossible in the evening after work.

We need to do a meet over at Shaftesbury/ZigZag Hill etc really so you boys from Bournemouth can come along!


ClioSport Club Member
We need to do a meet over at Shaftesbury/ZigZag Hill etc really so you boys from Bournemouth can come along!

Some of the roads around Shaftesbury are incredible, when I went to pick up my wheels from Dan@SJM the drive back was one of the most fun drives I've ever had, from his unit until like the other end of Shaftesbury was just back roads that were empty.
  182/RS2/ Turbo/Mk1
You dont need to be a rep to organise a meet, the one I started in exeter is still going strong a couple of years later, same for the one I started in Newark.

Just lead by example :)


  172 track thingy
You dont need to be a rep to organise a meet, the one I started in exeter is still going strong a couple of years later, same for the one I started in Newark.

Just lead by example :)

Chip are you bringing anything tasty along to the areas day meet?


  172 track thingy
Im in cornwall at the moment not seen any rs clio's.. So before you get a rep get some clio's;):)

we have loads of clios, we are just well spread across the area lol

TBH i see more RS clios down here than I did in the North West!


ClioSport Club Member
We need to do a meet over at Shaftesbury/ZigZag Hill etc really so you boys from Bournemouth can come along!

Some of the roads around Shaftesbury are incredible, when I went to pick up my wheels from Dan@SJM the drive back was one of the most fun drives I've ever had, from his unit until like the other end of Shaftesbury was just back roads that were empty.
I've heard about this zig-zag hill place and wouldn't mind checking it out. I remember driving some roads around Blandford Forum a few years back and thinking they had great potential. Sadly I was going between funeral and wake so a spirited drive wasn't really appropriate at the time.

If anyone did want to organise a driving meet - early one Sunday morning, for example, I'd come along, but I withold the right to cancel at the last minute without any recriminations ;)
