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[PC/PS3/XBOX]Rage thread!

  Evo 5 RS
This games been ruined by memory limitations. Anyone who bought this on Xbox is a c**t. It's a s**te game, and it's because mugs like you keep buying this crap that we have to put up with it.All this blah blah about working around the xbox's s**tty nats **** VRAM issues with this texture layer s**te.That's all well and good, but there's actually f**k-all in the actual game. And I get a loading screen every time I go into a hide out... What a let down


ClioSport Club Member
Would be interesting to hear some of your viewpoints on this m8 - graphical issues that is! :)

Would love to post up some comments mate... especially being back on the 3D graphics coding full tilt at the moment. :D Sadly, I don't have the time at this very moment... I'll try and get a few thoughts up soon.


ClioSport Club Member
This games been ruined by memory limitations. Anyone who bought this on Xbox is a c**t. It's a s**te game, and it's because mugs like you keep buying this crap that we have to put up with it.All this blah blah about working around the xbox's s**tty nats **** VRAM issues with this texture layer s**te.That's all well and good, but there's actually f**k-all in the actual game. And I get a loading screen every time I go into a hide out... What a let down

Not sure what you're on about.

My 360 version looks great and plays fine.

Gnar gnar gnar.


ClioSport Club Member
What is it you do fella?
I work in Research & Development at the moment, specialising in 3D graphics, visualisation, realtime / non-realtime rendering, simulation and so on. I've been doing that for the last 4 years. Prior to that I worked for 10+ years in the computer games industry as a 3D graphics technology programmer. But I am NOT a geek. Honest. :D

Sharky's a 3D and graphics guru. He definitely knows his shizzle!! :cool:

LOL! No mate - I just have a lot of experience in that particular field; i.e. I'm old. :p


ClioSport Club Member
Sounds like fun tbh, as long as it's not driver programming... I do not envy that
Yes, loads of fun mate. :D As for driver programming, well... it takes a certain kind of person to do that. I worked briefly with both nVidia and ATI (AMD) on drivers before and they are not the easiest bits of software to 'get right'.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I work in Research & Development at the moment, specialising in 3D graphics, visualisation, realtime / non-realtime rendering, simulation and so on. I've been doing that for the last 4 years. Prior to that I worked for 10+ years in the computer games industry as a 3D graphics technology programmer. But I am NOT a geek. Honest. :D

LOL! No mate - I just have a lot of experience in that particular field; i.e. I'm old. :p

Modest as ever! :)


ClioSport Club Member
Whacked in an nVidia GTX460 last night in place of the ATi 4890's in CF. Rage played perfectly.

I might actually get to play it now. :)

If you'd gone with nVidia in the first place... :p

Modest as ever! :)
No mate - just being honest! I feel like a ClioSport pensioner. :D

With respect to the game, I have mixed feelings about it. Whilst I think the technology behind it (so-called MegaTexture w/ Virtual Texturing) is pretty cool I think that the look is... a bit static. At times it looks very impressive, no doubt about it. But it seems to lack any real sense of 'being there'. Bear with me, I'm struggling to find the words to describe what I mean! Looking at the new engine technology that is around (Unreal, Crysis) they look great; and a lot of that is to do with the fact that they implement / replicate some really cool dynamic effects. Lighting, shadowing, radiosity, occlusion and many others. I just don't seem to get that level of dynamicism (?) with the id 5 Tech driven Rage. To me it looks likes a very prettily painted set which has then been baked into high resolution textures. For example, I notice that some places have specular highlights baked into the textures (although these have been cleverly done admittedly).

Dare I say it but it actually feels a little... dated. Put simply I think id have been caught up in the necessary evils of corporate bullcrap and pleasing shareholders and no longer hold the throne as technology leaders (as they were in previous years when making Doom-Doom3). I also get the impression that the release of Rage was a bit rushed hence the momentous f#ck up that ensued.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I think I know where you're coming from. At times, even though it does look impressive on the face of it - the landscape reminds me a lot of Battlefield 1942 on the El Alamein map. I guess they haven't got the uncapped source of PC graphics cards to manipulate either.

The shareholders point is so true as well. Fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants devs are few and far between these days - which is a shame.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
460s are able cards for the money, stuck a couple in my brothers rig and it takes everything in it's stride

I'm sticking in an identical twin tomorrow for SLi. As the first GTX460 was a hand-me-down, I don't think getting an SLi setup for the circa £140 the next card will cost me is too bad overall.... :)


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
I'm sticking in an identical twin tomorrow for SLi. As the first GTX460 was a hand-me-down, I don't think getting an SLi setup for the circa £140 the next card will cost me is too bad overall.... :)


Make that tomorrow now....

Really liked the sniper missions on the Job Board. Especially taking out those bomb-buggies from extreme range. Leading the target accurately with mouse control - ftw!

  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
I need to start this up again, in typical fashion I lost my save game re-installing, but have a NAS now so hopefully that'll be the end of such scenarios. I've got so many games on the go at the moment, this, gow3, forza 4, battlefield 3, assassins creed brotherhood and batman is out in 2 weeks, mental.

Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
Finished it today - 15 hours all in from start to finish.

Very easy ending, but pretty enjoyable throughout, imo. Got exactly 50% of the available achievements - but I'm not arsed about going back to get the other half of them.


Darren S

ClioSport Club Member
biggest let down of 2011 award

It could have been better, I admit - and it's a shame in a lot of ways that the weapon choices and how to use them, only really come into play about 75% the way hrough the game. I can't understand why you only get three seperate mutant 'charges' very late on in the game, that would have worked just as well nearer the start? Fending off hordes of weapon-wielding idiots is great fun. There should have been many more of those in the game, imo.

Ideally, there should have been much more customization within the kits to. Like why can you only fit the zoom scope (one-half of a pair of binolulars - lol) - to the standard pistol? I detest the zillion+1 unlocks in online games like COD, but for a single player RPG shooter - they should be a default feature. Building sentry turrets and RC bomb cars were great - but again, more customization options should have been available. Such as why couldn't I equip my sentry turret with the many different types of ammo class that's avialable in the game?

  Monaro VXR
Been fixed for a while Roy.

It's quite short if you just rush through it without doing the side quests. But still its a few hours of entertainment.
  Monaro VXR
It is a classic shooter. Very linear in parts, lots of enemies in other parts that just swarm at you etc.

I quite enjoyed it though. Worth a go and it can be picked up cheap now. Retail copy is the one to pick up, it's a steam game still. Just works out at around £12 on PC I think. Versus the £20+ on steam.
  Monaro VXR
I wouldn't spend full price on it. But out the bargain's worth a go.

Mainly because if you don't do the side missions, you can probably get through it in around 6 hours.
I don't mind tearing, as I can fix that. I want to know if the texture issues are fixed, and will I get 60fps with my rig etc.
  Scirocco 2.0 tsi
I also had the issue of the wrong textures loading in the wrong places, some guys head at the start had random textures all over his head and they kept popping in randomly all over the place when i was cruising round on a quad bike.
  Monaro VXR
You won't fix all the tearing. But that seems to be an ATi issue more than anything. With your nVidia cards, you'll be fine...


Not got any tearing at all with my 5870's now. Works perfectly, they added V sync in an update which sorted that. Textures, never had much of an issue with them anyway personally and I made it load the highest res ones through tweaking. 8k ones have to be enabled.
