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Couple of Recaro fitting questions...


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Probably a silly question, but can these be fitted without jacking the car up? Not got a jack atm... you have to get bolts underneath the car off right? Just wondering if you can somehow reach them from the sides lol. I got my front bumper off but just reaching under with a socket set :)

Also I'm sure I remember reading a while back about being able to remove some washers from under the seats to lower them slightly... is this right? Any more information on that? Thanks.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
The outside bolts can be got to on the floor, but unless you've got 6ft arms to reach the middle ones, you'll need it up on stands. All you need is a deep 13mm socket and a small extension bar.

When you remove the standard seats, you'll see the black plastic washers/spacers. Removing them makes the seat lower (and better!) but sliding the seats backwards and forwards becomes stiff. Presumably as the seat then catches on the carpet under the runners.

You'll need to get the airbags re configured on clip too as Recaros don't have side airbags.


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Okay I get it, you'd recommend removing the washers then? I don't often have people in the back!

Does the airbag issue have to be done with Clip? When I got my car remapped by Engine Dynamics they were able to update my ECU to the latest Renault firmware with, I presume, a non-Clip diagnostic tool. I'll be going there again soon for my cambelt change so will enquire if they're able to do it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Golf R
You can buy resistors from maplin at a cost of 25p each if you don't have immediate access to clip as Daniel has pointed out.

You need two resistors aside for the grey plugs, like so;



ClioSport Club Member
The outside bolts can be got to on the floor, but unless you've got 6ft arms to reach the middle ones, you'll need it up on stands. All you need is a deep 13mm socket and a small extension bar.

When you remove the standard seats, you'll see the black plastic washers/spacers. Removing them makes the seat lower (and better!) but sliding the seats backwards and forwards becomes stiff. Presumably as the seat then catches on the carpet under the runners.

You'll need to get the airbags re configured on clip too as Recaros don't have side airbags.

Regarding the washers mate is this applicable to the recaros in the 200?


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
You can buy resistors from maplin at a cost of 25p each if you don't have immediate access to clip as Daniel has pointed out.

You need two resistors aside for the grey plugs, like so;


Oh nice one, any information on what ones are needed? Also where is this plug lol? Not really looked around yet tbh...


ClioSport Club Member
  208 GTi
Regarding the resistors... firstly what value is needed? Hard to see on that picture.

Also, can these be reached easily after the seats have been fitted? i.e. no f**king about jacking it up again?

the resistors ive just used are 3.3 ohm and have worked fine.. ive just used heat shrink over the plug with the resistor plugged in and tucked it back under the carpet..
