Awesome pics as always Andy!
Love the ones of the RX8
Cheers, Russ - always good to catch up with you and to see the RX8 having fun around Llandow. It was smokin'...

Great pictures Andy!
I am amazed you got a couple of mine on track thanks a million!
Thanks George. Sorry they aren't the best quality but I hadn't got my eye in properly at that early stage! It's been a while since I'd picked up the camera.

Knowsit sir.
Brilliant pictures.
Looks like a really good day, I would have liked to make it to this one but work commitments meant it was a no go.
Thanks Paul. Hopefully there will be future opportunities as these days are, thinking about it, probably the track day calendar highlight each year (for me). A small and enjoyable circuit that is made all the more fun by the people that organise it and the people that attend. I can pretty much guarantee you won't find a friendlier and more relaxed track day; especially good for newcomers to the track. Nobody gets left out and everyone is very much made to feel welcome.
Great pics and up to your usual standard. Loving the pics of mine. Thanks
My pleasure Pete. The FN2 looked as good as it sounded, even with a bit of a lopsidedness to it

It goes so well!
Did you get a telling off for that I forgot to ask you.
Hahaha! That's the only one I managed to get as the others I took of the sign were on the memory card that failed!
Very nice indeed.

Thanks mate
Great pics, still l can't get over that it stayed dry sunny and warm all day.
You didn't happen to catch an orange Fiesta in your sights did you?
Don't worry Mark, the rains returned the very next day... From memory I think I only got one photo of the Fiesta

The others were on the failed memory card

To make matters worse, the photo isn't very sharp at all. I'll dig it out and see what I can do with it. Sorry sir!
Cracking photos @
any more pics of the ghetto track rat?
Cheers Filters

I have a few more of Le Rat and will e-mail them / send them out over the coming days (to people who want hi-res pics).
Cracking day!
Cant post in the track day thread as im not a paid member. But was Definatly one of the best track days I have done. Awsome atmosphere right from the briefing to the end of the day.
Thanks jay for organising and andy cracking photos as usual!
Check the roll on my civic haha emergency standard suspension and ebaich springs did suprisingly well. Should be back on its coilovers by next week as they came back in the post last night
Cheers Gavin - it was good to meet you and have a bit of a chat. Loving your 'charged EP3; it sounded awesome and built up it's pace so effortlessly. The standard suspension coped well I thought!
You've been talking to my wife haven't you..
Don't worry, it won't go any further...