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Members in Scotland


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Right.. trying to get an up to date list of all the active members using the forum. Post your name, location and your car!

Seeing as all this new area divisions are being sorted out, this will be handy to see where everyone is etc.

Liam from Inverness, Clio 172 cup.

---------------------List - Updated 29/06/2015 --------------

Username - Name - Location - Car
Alan - Alan - Lanarkshire - Abarth 500 Esseesse
ali1202 - Alisdair - Fife - Clio172 & white 197 cup
Alistairolsen - Alistair - Laurencekirk - Clio 172 Track Car
arg_carra - Alistair - Campbeltown - Ph1 172 and Mk4 dCi
Arran_ - Arran - Fife - 172 Cup
Arran_ - Arran - Fife - MK7 Golf R & 172 cup
badlacie - Stuart - East Calder - 172 ph1
bboy - Billy - Ayshire - Red 172
Big hyndy - Callum - Dunfermline - Clio 172
Bob0907 - Robert - Moray - Inferno 182 and a DCi
CallyTeee - Callum - Balloch/Dumbarton - 182 FF Trackcar
clio_truk - Andy - Balloch - bg 182
clio05 - Emma - Fife - RB 182
cliostu - Stu - Fife - Less Racecar(sunny)/valver/BMW/Volvo/van
cpaterson76 - Craig - Fife - Track Trophy
Cr51say - Chris - Hamilton - r32 an mk2 golf
Craig.M - Craig - Dunfermline - Valver & Astra
Craig_RS - Craig - Edinbugh - RB 182
Craig211 - Craig - Aberdeenshire - Clio 200
cupman29 - Steven - Glasgow - 172 cup
dalemalley - Dale - Glasgow - Clio 172 Cup
Danneff - Danny - Glasgow - 182 Trophy
Danny_172 - Danny - Glasgow - Golf Gti Ed30
Dark_Phoenix - Danya - Aberdeen - Albi Blue 200
Daviecup - Davie - Stirling - 172 Cup Phase 2
DJW Dave - Dave - Broxburn - Ph1 172
Djw John - John - Livingston - 172s
DrHammershaft - Neil - Fife - 182 / Cayman S
F20ASR - Fraser - Arbroath - Mk7 Golf, 172 Ph2, 172 Track, Mk5 Van
FifeBrian - Brian - Dunfirmline - 182 Cup
Fraser.J. - Fraser - Fife - Racecar
Gav986 - Gav - Glasgow - LY 182, Evo 8MR FQ320, Civic EF9 SiR2
Gax_H - Gary - West Lothian - Ph2 172
Gaz85 - Gary - Bathgate/Aberdeen - 320D & 172 Cup
Grievezy - Shaun - Bathgate - Clio 197 Cup
Haybails1980 - Martin - Dalkeith - Storm Gray 200 Cup
Heez - James - Edinburgh - Ignis
Holty - Iain - East Kilbride - PH2 Track Car
Inferno Jamie - Jamie - Turriff - Inferno 182 Cup
Jamie - Jamie - Tyndrum - Yellow RS250
Jbm172 - James - Fife - 197 cup
JCC - Joe - Alloa - Mk2 FRS
JezzaMac - Jamie - Edinburgh - Inferno 182 turbo and silver DCI80
jgvonza172 - Josh - Dumfries - 172 cup
joytodrive25 - Callum - Edinburgh - BG 182
JPJ89 - James - Perth - Racing Blue 182
Keevo - Ross - Glasgow - 172 Cup CC
KyleRS - Kyle - Edinburgh - UR 197
Leel82 - Lee - Dunfermline - Black 172
leemckew - Lee - Glasgow - 172 Cup
LiamR172 - Liam - Inverness - 172 Cup
LiamR172 - Liam - Inverness - Clio 172 cup
lokqust - Ewan - Dundee - Passat 170 DSG
Lou - Lou - Edinburgh - LY182
m10lrr - Grabt - Alloa - Clio 182
Mal_182 - Malcom - Ayrshire - AB 182
Manny 86 - Manny 86 - Fife - Megane 225 Cup + Lux Packed
MarcR - Marc - West Lothian - 182 Trophy
Mark_P - Mark - Lenzie - Artic 182
Marshall_Helmsdale - Alan - Helmsdale - megane r26
Mattstrath - Matt - Turriff aberdeenshire - 182 track prepped and Q7
Mutch88 - Ryan - South Lanarkshire - 182 Trophy 75
neil a - Neil - Fife - 172 Cup
noclioyet - Danny - Newmains - Inferno 182 FF
npt - Nick - Aberdeenshire - 172cup
Rascal69 - Arfan - Paisley - Black 172, Lotus Exige S, K7 GRXR 600
Raymond_11 - Raymond - Greenock - Black Ph2 172
Ritch_Kid26 - Scott - Linwood - BG 182
RSCaulay - Caulay - Western Isles/Glasgow - Black DCi
SamMc - SamMc - Kilmarnock - Black 200
sburrell93 - Stuart - Falkirk - dci 100
sc89oth - Scott - Fife - peugeot 207 and ph1 clio 172 trackcar project
scotty10 - Scott - Bishopton - Matiz
Shake n Bake - Jack - Shetland - Arctic 182
Shocker - Don - Falkirk - LY 200T
Stevenhughes172 - Steven - East Kilbride - Clio 172 Ph2
StevieSAW - Stevie - Falkirk - E46 M3 & Ph1 172 Track Car
Stevo1972 - Steven - Edinburgh - Clio 172
stuart_s182 - Stuart - Fife - clio 172 and ly 200
w33 brl - Wayne - Fife - Ph1 172 & Ph2T
Wee_Billy_92 - Billy - Dundee - Ice blue 1.2

Unknown Users/Names
Gwalk - Midlothian - Sunflower172 -
Kenny - Falkirk - RB 182 -
Mike - Fife - Clio 172 -
Rich - East Lothian - 182 FF -
Sam - Kilmarnock - Clio 200 -
Last edited by a moderator:


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Gary, knockhill is good and everything but it'll be good to have a few meets out for lunch and drives now and then.

If you're too busy then you don't have to join in you old boring caaaaant; )


ClioSport Club Member
  182 Trophy & 197 F1
Liam - Inverness, Clio 172 cup.
Alan - Lanarkshire, Abarth 500 Esseesse.
James - Edinburgh, Ignis.
Dale - Glasgow, Clio 172 Cup
Alistair - Campbeltown, Ph1 172 and Mk4 dCi.
Fraser - Fife, Racecar
Wayne - Fife, Ph1 172 & Ph2T
Stu - Fife, Less Racecar(sunny)/valver/BMW/Volvo/van
Gary - West Lothian, Ph2 172
Arran - Fife, MK7 Golf R (On order) & 172 cup
Danny - Glasgow, 182 Trophy
Callum - Balloch/Dumbarton, 182 FF Trackcar
MarcR - West Lothian, 182 Trophy

  PH2 Track Car
Liam - Inverness, Clio 172 cup.
Alan - Lanarkshire, Abarth 500 Esseesse.
James - Edinburgh, Ignis.
Dale - Glasgow, Clio 172 Cup
Alistair - Campbeltown, Ph1 172 and Mk4 dCi.
Fraser - Fife, Racecar
Wayne - Fife, Ph1 172 & Ph2T
Stu - Fife, Less Racecar(sunny)/valver/BMW/Volvo/van
Gary - West Lothian, Ph2 172
Arran - Fife, MK7 Golf R (On order) & 172 cup
Danny - Glasgow, 182 Trophy
Callum - Balloch/Dumbarton, 182 FF Trackcar
MarcR - West Lothian, 182 Trophy
Iain - East Kilbride, PH2 Track Car


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Quite a few of us then, I'm sure there's a few more from around this area but arnt all that active.
I've got a couple of mates that would tag along in their meganes too probably. turbotic

So.. When's the next meet? ;)
