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My new project

  2002 clio 172
Hey guys
Im new on this site and have just recently bought myself a 02 172. I bought the car on an impulse after selling my 2002 bmw 325i and down grading to a 02 1.1 106(what a difference it was). my reason for this rash move was to buy an R6 which might i add did put a huge smile on my face. Anyway after 2 years of rolling to work in my 106 i decided with a new baby on the way I needed to get a slightly bigger more comfortable car. So i looked at the 172s and 182s. With Living in northern ireland I kept my search relatively local and this left my options slim. Long story short I paid over what I should have for for this wee motor but im determined to make the best of a bad situation.

so i have started this thread to really get opinions on the car and what is the best route to take to restore this should be great car back to a good condition.
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  2002 clio 172
here is a pic from the prev owner....


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  2002 clio 172
well on buying the car has done 110 000 miles and has had a new engine put in with 45000 miles in 2013. I was told belts all done dephaser was done and new engine had been serviced well after talking with owner who put the engine in i was fed a load of horse keek....the pics look good but dont let that fool the paint is chipped and this wee car has def had a hard time
  2002 clio 172
upon getting it home and driving for a weekend i had an oil leak that had been hidden a broken speedo.....which turned out to reveal a patched up abs sensor. and the bonnet catch broke all in the first 2 days
  2002 clio 172
to get through mot I needed to sort that remove tint from the front windows sadly and get 4 new tyres and has since had pads n discs all round. I have just ordered aux belt kit and cambelt kit along with a dephaser pully so that will be done ofer the next week or so. along with a good detailing by myself.


ClioSport Club Member
  Black Gold 182FF
Great to see another Northern Ireland member on the site :up: Where are you getting the belts done?
  2002 clio 172
Gavc im taking it to a garage in whithead. he has done a few 172s before. i got parts from ktr tho
  2002 clio 172
Quick update before getting my car booked in on tues my aux belt snapped leaving me stranded 20 miles from home....what a towed home and have now got vooked in next week to get aux belt cam belt dephaser and clutch you can imagine looking forward to that bill. Having bought the parts seperately it should just be labour tho
  2014 Clio 200t edc
Lucky the aux belt didn't take out the cam belt when it snapped, that's what can happen!! So that's saved you a massive bill. (Im guessing you have checked it hasn't damaged the cam belt)
  2002 clio 172
Ive had a look and as far as i can see there has been none. Its in on tues to get both belts replaced so fingers crossed it hasnt damaged it
  2002 clio 172
Ok havent had a chance to get on here in a baby on the way and also the clio has not been my fav subject lately problem after where to begin. After getting the car back i gad it parked up for a few days with her nice new aux belt on...the garage had overbooked so didnt get the cam belt and dephaser done....neway 1st outing in the car since the aux belt was done and i got 12 miles from the house and baaam.....same symptoms as before no lights or power going to anything and the car dies out i think my bloody belt has snapped again........pushed it up to a kerbside and feeling angry kicking a few walls and lamposts i phoned the missus to come and collect me....i was so annoyed i let the car sit in carrick for 4 days before i towed her home.

once i got her home i looked under the bonnet and wayhey belts in tact wot the feck i thought threating all sorts right im selling this heap had it since nov and had nothing but hassle shes gone....had a mate come up and look at buying her for the track. whilst hoking around it he spots the problem.....the battery cable had been broken off so no power was charging the battery....99p fix happy days me and the monacco are best friends again
  2002 clio 172
Few more weeks of very happy driving went by and we where getting on like a house on fire no issues at all was loving life when......the bloody thing starts slipping outta 5th gear......nooooooo........i left it for a bit and done a bit of research and strangely the problem went away. Few more weeks went by and over the easter hols me and the now heavily preg fiancee decided to go a nice drive round the coast which was great lovely weather great roads the missus even got me to take her for a spot of shopping then on the way home the car rattled 2nd 3rd and 4th gear this was nothing ivebecer heard before cruching grinding and rattling i though foooook this is going to be dear. Well long story gearbox has pooped itself and also i have another spark plug issue.....port 3 sparkplug has been stripped......

I have now got a mate to help well he offered to help take me under his wing and we are sorting this wee car out once and for all.
  2002 clio 172
GEARBOX is now out and recond phase 1 172 waiting to go back in. Hopefuly this week the cam belt and dephaser will get done to and inbetween getting the engine done ice been working on the body well the back end of it
