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CSS '15 Picture Thread

  Clio Dci
Hi everyone,

I thought it would be easier to post pictures in one section to make everyone's life easier!

Now I took loads of images of the first track session as then I had to dash.. Now these will take ages to sort to upload them all. So if anyone was on the first track session and wants to see pictures of there car give me a shout and I'll post some!

Otherwise I will try and upload one of each over the weekend.
Copied from a thread I created in Clio Media.

Just a few of mine, rest can be found here:

Nothing special from my little camera, but thought I'd share what I took from the day.

19579428914_b26e9640f6_c.jpgClio R26 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20014065030_222dd102a3_c.jpgRenaultSport Clio 220 Trophy by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

19581189733_24ac1f15ac_c.jpgClio 172 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20013958788_7a1a853b6c_c.jpgClio 172 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20202180255_1829edb982_c.jpgClio 182 Trophy by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

19580894333_9fa74ac1ee_c.jpgClio 182 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20175923366_f62d77fe7f_c.jpgFiesta ST-2 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20015240879_3fdf77d3d4_c.jpgClio 200 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

20193686762_4c83b79ae8_c.jpgClio 200 by Greg Feirn, on Flickr

lee M4RSH

ClioSport Club Member
3rd picture down. Who's car is that and where is the rest of it :D

I presume you have some theory behind running it like that on track?

Nice pics by the way mate!


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
Lost the rear through the S bends and ended up in the field. The front end has dug in and ripped the bumper to shreds as well as some other bits.

Could have been worse as he could have rolled it.


ClioSport Club Member
  Ph1 172
I saw the crash from the bank, was very lucky to not roll it.
It did not half shift as well.
Any pictures from the afternoon session??
  172 Turbo
How did the Rallye end up there? I did Blyton a few months ago and can't figure out how it can go so wrong you end up there
  106 rallye
I lost the rear and hit the tuff block before i knew it we were in the field. The firld was freshly ploughed n took an age to stop.

Ground was soft n the front dug in n tried to drag the front end under the car!!
