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Only hot air out of heater!

  Clio Sport 172
I tried this tonight, but for the life of me i couldn't line up the third (top right) bolt up properly. My hands are too big :( Ohh well ill try again tomorrow night.
  Blk/Gold 182 FF
Im bringing this old thred up! ok, once ive taken off the pannel with the motors on it, as the cog is in all shapes, how tight do i pull the cable tie around the cog? is it just to keep it in shape so the motor can grab onto it?
  Clio Sport 172
Im bringing this old thred up! ok, once ive taken off the pannel with the motors on it, as the cog is in all shapes, how tight do i pull the cable tie around the cog? is it just to keep it in shape so the motor can grab onto it?

Pull it as tight as you think necessary. The aim is so that the spindle on the motor can grip on the cog
  2000 Clio
My clio is only blowing cold it's a 2000 mk2 and doesn't have air-con, would the busted cog still the likely problem?

One other thing is that the heater panel does not light up when you put the lights on so maybe it could be a loose conection?

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  clio 182 FF arctic
old thread but when refitting the panel with the motors: if the cogs are not put back exactly where they were taken off will everything be out of sync? or can you rotate the cogs to get them to fit?
  Renault Clio 197
Fantastic thread! Thanks for all the photos that made the repair possible! I found I had to indulge in some serious contortions to get it done, but hey, that might be my way of doing things.....
I'm trying to figure out why it happens, is it because the servo is still driving against the cog when the flap is at the limit of its travel?
  Clio 172
great thread, just finished mine off.

Its a bit fiddly under there, especially when it comes to lining the cog's back up. I ended up taking the closest motor off so I could line up the rear first and then adjust the position of the other cog with my fingers and remount the motor.
  Clio Sport 197 Cup
I've yet to do mine!! Ive been putting it off for ages as the whole lining the cogs up scares me. I'm scared I'll break something.....
  Clio 172 PH2
sorry for the little bump.

Ive taken two screw out but that third is a right PINA! Ill attempt it tomorrow. One question though now that the panel is a little 'flappy' if i put the heaters on to de mist my windscreen in the morning am i going to f**k the timing on the motors and have to spend hours realigning?


ClioSport Moderator
Well chaps, great guide, however i took mine off, perfect no issues.
I have a same issue with only hot air coming out of them.
Cold air isnt an option.

I swapped the motors, they turn very slowly and slightly, can anyone confirm this is the case when they are in the car?
  Clio Initiale (57)
A big thank you to Nickhalluk and n-dre; pics are very useful for novices like me. Much appreciated :)
Thanks to all the guys who put up steps and guides to this. Did it upside down from the footwell and sure enough the casing that the cog sits in was split badly. Just used 2 3mm ties which are small but are holding it closed enough. Didn't use any glue yet so I'll wait and see whether it's ok after some time. Just ran through all ac set points with air at full blast and it was the best it's been for ages.
Only those 3 6mm screws to undo and unplug the top set of cables for a little "space".

Thanks again!!!!
  Clio 182 - RB
Thanks to all the guys who put up steps and guides to this. Did it upside down from the footwell and sure enough the casing that the cog sits in was split badly. Just used 2 3mm ties which are small but are holding it closed enough. Didn't use any glue yet so I'll wait and see whether it's ok after some time. Just ran through all ac set points with air at full blast and it was the best it's been for ages.
Only those 3 6mm screws to undo and unplug the top set of cables for a little "space".

Thanks again!!!!
Was it easy to do? I saw this thread other week due to my heaters doing the same [emoji17]
Was it easy to do? I saw this thread other week due to my heaters doing the same [emoji17]
Yeh, did sort of hurt my back. Just put some padding on the door sill and that helps a lot. Used a bendy drill attachment taking off but didn't really use to get the centre screw back on. I used a mini 1/4" drive set I have that fit in nicely. Use some pliers to hold the cracked piece together while pulling cable tie right and probably just use a single 5/6mm wide tie. Try and keep the cogs lined up but just jiggle it to get it back on.
Enjoy ;)
  FRP - Clio 182
Just done mine but still seems to be blowing hot, so going to remove it again tomorrow to make sure the cogs are lined up. Great thread !!!!


ClioSport Moderator
If your like me and decided to reverse the motors.
It is easy to turn the motors back to where you want them, slide the motor onto the large white cog and hold the white lever part. Then spin the motor to your desired level so it fits in the screw holes. Took a bit of fiddling first time but when once you have it slid in its a doddle to spin around.
Just in case you do misalign them or are worried the the motors are both the same.

This thread is priceless.
But after sorting the same problem that most users have, a new one has appeared.
Basically my car only changes the servo position that controls the flow of hot air when i turn the ignition on, it changes to the defined value and then it will not move again, even if i change the temperature, until i turn the ignition off and on again.
In a nutshell, the servo only moves to the chosen setting when I turn the ignition on.

Any thoughts on this particular issue?


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Mine is still hot air only, I think mine is a compressor failure or system leak


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
Well I looked in the footwell and all the cogs were in good order. I'm sure mine has something to do with the compressor because I don't hear it cut in when I turn at on it no clunk and change in engine idle. I've bought a set of air con o rings, think I've got a leak near the radiator


ClioSport Club Member
  ph1 172, Arctic182
I believe if the system loses pressure the compressor won't cut in
  Clio 1.2 2004 16v
Hi, i realize this thread is a few years old but i have a clio 1.2 dynamique 2004 and the heating isnt working, the cold air blows but wont get hot, is this what is should look like behind the motors?


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Yours is manual, so no servos to control.
In any casy, you should check if the second steel cable, the one that goes to the orange(insh) piece of plastic is working when you move the heat selector.


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped

Great, mines just packed up :( I don't fancy doing it either, lining the cogs up is putting me off.

I suppose I've done quite well it lasting so long since 2004!


ClioSport Club Member
  Blk/Gld 182 Cupped
Right I have had a look, that one bolt was a nightmare to remove too :rage: can anyone see anything wrong with mine because it looks ok to me :confused:
I was rather hoping it was mashed!!

Any ideas? back to square one 😞


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  Clio 1.2 2004 16v
Yours is manual, so no servos to control.
In any casy, you should check if the second steel cable, the one that goes to the orange(insh) piece of plastic is working when you move the heat selector.
Hi, thanks for your reply and sorry for my late reply, i have checked that and the piece of plastic does move, is there anything i can do/check to narrow down the problem? Thanks.
  Clio Symbol
i have the same problem.
I think there is a feedback (potentiometer) broken somewhere.
So there is a stepper motor controled by the front panel and then there should be a readback by a potentiometer or a thermistor or something to control the heat temperature.
I am not sure how it is controlled but this should be my problem.
Both motors are working well on my side, but cannot sit to a certain position.
I have to dig deeper.
I will let you know about my progress.
  Clio Symbol
So I found out my problem and solved it.
The problem is the interior sensor.
Here is what I did.
1.This is my climatronic control unit:

IMG_3118.JPG is the sensor located

2. remove the interior lights very easy to remove with a screw drive

remove the plastic holder. pull the plastic it is clamped and you will not destroy it.

here is the sensor mounted in the plastic cover

remove it


the sensor is a 10K NTC (thermistor) you can find it in here

I have soldered mine back because it had a broken terminal. but I will replace it with new one.

In the previous picture you can see my solder joint it is not so good so I will buy a new one and I will replace it.

I also have discovered during my research on internet there are different type of sensors.
Here is another story with a different type of sensor, I hope it will help you, unfortunately it is in Romanian but you can google translate it.
  Clio RS172 PH2
Hi all! Just had this problem on my 2001 ClioRS 172. Thanks for the guide, because it's +33C in Lithuania and driving with only mordor hot air from the A/C is impossible.

Used a hose clamp (zip ties didn't do the work). Had to re-allign the god damn motor. All in all job is a real pain in the a**, but since it's free and it worked - can't be mad.

  Clio RS 172 2002
Thanks from a 172 owner in Australia!

When fixing mine, the hot-cold flap control was cracked so I used a hose clamp to fix it. However, when re-assembling I realised that the spline on the motor was 180 degrees opposite to the spline on the flap. My guess is that over time the control has kept trying to adjust the temp and kept winding around. The solution: the electric motor is held onto the spline control unit with just two plastic tabs. Lift the tabs and pop off the motor (careful not to lose the white gear on the end) then turn the gears around inside until the spline is in the right position, then click the motor back into place.

So I read the first page and thought, happy days an easy fix to my car's like warm heater air! Stripped the panel off, fiddly but not quite as difficult as some have made out, but my spindle is fine, in fact it looks a bit beefier than the others pictured.

So I played with the temp settings and the stepper motor only sort of jolted a bit, but never really turned.

I've never heard this buzzing folk talk of so I'm wondering is it the sensor in the roof or is the stepper motor Donald ducked?

If the sensor is unplugged would that stop the motor from adjusting the hot air flow flap?


ClioSport Club Member
I would have thought that if you out the fan on manual and adjust the temp it will blow what you ask for regardless of what the sensor reads.
I would have thought that if you out the fan on manual and adjust the temp it will blow what you ask for regardless of what the sensor reads.
That's my thinking too, which would then point to the stepper motor being faulty. Of course when I stripped the panel last night my brain had died and I never thought of swapping the plugs on the motors lol
So I finally got around to removing the interior light unit to see if the sensor had been unplugged and it hasn't. I assume is the bigger of the two sensors? If so what is the other sensor?


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Just redid this with success, cold again. I used one 7mm tie to hold tight then another to actually hold it as you can't have the tie right at the end otherwise it will not go back on. Probably worth getting a mini jubilee for a proper job.
Worth bearing in mind the motors turn very slowly and slightly. Don't expect to go 25 to 16 degrees in one second. Anything under a minute to two is fine as long as it gets cold.
  Clio 172
I have this intermittent problem. Yesterday it happened for the first time this year - on manual, temp settings not changed from the previous day when everything was fine, only high temp hot air coming out.

Back in the car this morning, no problem. None of the climate control settings have been touched since yesterday.

As I'm getting hot and cold air at different times then the servos must be working. The sensor is connected, fan turning ok. There has to be a sensor somewhere which thinks it's freezing cold and cranks up the temperature. Maybe the sensor in the interior light unit has an intermittent problem, I must see if I can borrow another to test. Are there any other sensors anywhere else?
  Clio 172
So I finally got around to removing the interior light unit to see if the sensor had been unplugged and it hasn't. I assume is the bigger of the two sensors? If so what is the other sensor?

Just to make sure that I'm looking at the right thing, the temp sensor is in the black tube with in-built fan, top left in this picture? The sensor itself is the blue "blob" at the end of the tube?
