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E92 BMW M3 - A slight upgrade.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
My sentiments exactly!!!
Looks like a great purchase, i do miss the engine/noise of my old one to be fair 😌
Just for reference, & im not sure what the lying t0sspot dealer told you, but the "Pro" Navigation, rear PDC & tri-colour steering wheel are all standard on the M3 :up: The 19's, high beam assist & heated seats are options.

Cheers! Dealer is actually a friend of mine, so he just printed off the factory spec list for me. So that's my bad on misunderstanding!

BMW nav is quite good tbh. Has decent routing and having the lane and junction mapper is decent, just a shame you have to pay for the maps (mine cost £80 for 2 years of updates)

BMW updated these for me before sale luckily, but I've been told you can just download the maps online and burn to a DVD-R cheaper than ordering the DVD from BMW. And yeah, the nav is pretty good for its age!

As per instagram, lovely thing Jason. The colour makes the car as the E92 imo can be a tad bland and samey in the whites and silverstones out there. My Brother in laws looks indentical with the splitter and spec but he has bradford wheels, looking to order comp ones on the michelins soon then it will look immense!

It's staying standard for me I think.

The colour is indeed a bit rarer I think, I certainly haven't seen many. The only thing I remembered was the press car Tiff Needel skidded about our 5th gear all the time ago! Sure it's on YouTube somewhere.


ClioSport Trader
Cheers! Dealer is actually a friend of mine, so he just printed off the factory spec list for me. So that's my bad on misunderstanding! BMW updated these for me before sale luckily, but I've been told you can just download the maps online and burn to a DVD-R cheaper than ordering the DVD from BMW. And yeah, the nav is pretty good for its age!
Oopsy, hes obvs he's not a lying t0sspot then 😂
The discs are £15 on m3cutters, theres a chap who updates the firmware/maps every year. You can just download them, but im lazy.
Just one thing to note, in case you're mate didnt mention it. The warranty prices increases MASSIVELY after 60k if you pay annually, so the secret is to renew on 58/59k & pay monthly. It then stays the same price whatever miles you are on, as long as you dont let the policy lapse & keep the DD's going. Have the actuators been done yet? If not, they will shortly lol. Get BMW to replace both at the same time.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Oopsy, hes obvs he's not a lying t0sspot then 😂
The discs are £15 on m3cutters, theres a chap who updates the firmware/maps every year. You can just download them, but im lazy.
Just one thing to note, in case you're mate didnt mention it. The warranty prices increases MASSIVELY after 60k if you pay annually, so the secret is to renew on 58/59k & pay monthly. It then stays the same price whatever miles you are on, as long as you dont let the policy lapse & keep the DD's going. Have the actuators been done yet? If not, they will shortly lol. Get BMW to replace both at the same time.

LOL! Yeah so it's on 53k and comes with a year already, and the Used guy said I can pay to keep that going at the end of the year if I want. I don't see myself doing more than 5k a year in it so that shouldnt be a problem but cheers for the headsup!

As for the Actuators, I'm not sure. I'm guessing if the car did go into limp mode in the next 12 months I can get this done by them under the Warranty? My friend has a 1M and had something in the turbos go, throwing his into limp mode. The Dealer fixed it under the warranty.
  Fiesta ST-2 Finsport
Oopsy, hes obvs he's not a lying t0sspot then 😂
The discs are £15 on m3cutters, theres a chap who updates the firmware/maps every year. You can just download them, but im lazy.
Just one thing to note, in case you're mate didnt mention it. The warranty prices increases MASSIVELY after 60k if you pay annually, so the secret is to renew on 58/59k & pay monthly. It then stays the same price whatever miles you are on, as long as you dont let the policy lapse & keep the DD's going. Have the actuators been done yet? If not, they will shortly lol. Get BMW to replace both at the same time.

Dave out of shear noseyness, what would be the cost of warranty on an e92 M3 before 60k miles?


ClioSport Club Member
  Volvo C30
It is a very good warranty to be fair, my brother had a complete engine replaced in his M3 and they had absolutely no quibbles about it.
It's an excellent warranty, but it is classic M tax.

You can get a warranty on a 335i (which are far less reliable than the M3, ask CJ) for £50pm.
  Peugeot 308
LOL! Yeah so it's on 53k and comes with a year already, and the Used guy said I can pay to keep that going at the end of the year if I want. I don't see myself doing more than 5k a year in it so that shouldnt be a problem but cheers for the headsup!

As for the Actuators, I'm not sure. I'm guessing if the car did go into limp mode in the next 12 months I can get this done by them under the Warranty? My friend has a 1M and had something in the turbos go, throwing his into limp mode. The Dealer fixed it under the warranty.

Hopefully they will fail within 12 months as those bad boys retail at £818.71 each.

I can get them for slightly less than £600 a piece, if you do get unlucky 😊😊


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Hopefully they will fail within 12 months as those bad boys retail at £818.71 each.

I can get them for slightly less than £600 a piece, if you do get unlucky 😊😊

I plan on extending the warranty if I keep it anyway!

Terrible potato photo taken by a friend who can't rotate pics but can see into the future.

However, it shows how much the colour changed under light. Really becomes as metallic as its name suggests.


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ClioSport Trader
Gotta be better deals around for same cover [emoji15]
There are better deals around for sure, but you wont get the level of cover that BMW/Mondial give.
Non-manufacturer aftermarket warranties are generally a waste of money to be fair.
It has gone up massively in the last 12 months though, mine was going to be circa £90 a month on 58k miles.
  Fiesta ST-2 Finsport
There are better deals around for sure, but you wont get the level of cover that BMW/Mondial give.
Non-manufacturer aftermarket warranties are generally a waste of money to be fair.
It has gone up massively in the last 12 months though, mine was going to be circa £90 a month on 58k miles.

Which is a fair cost, but 350 odd quid is taking the piss
  Evo 5 RS
Lad here has absolute best/full cover on his 135, and BMW refuse to replace anything unless they absolutely have to lol. Sometimes even refusing to accept there is an issue when there's a chronic suspension knock for example. I guess it's like with all walks of life, dealers vary


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
The M3 is actually one of the stronger cars they made in the E9x series. The diesels were a joke for reliability!

There are a couple of issues you can run into with these but to go into owning a car like this with your eyes open.

To me £350 a month isn't that much to pay for peace of mind if you want it. Maybe not with it on this car, but I know people with CSL's and the like which do pay for the BMW warranty and I would to!
Yeah I've heard that, didn't know it was a thing on an E92 M3 though :confused:

E92 M3s are generally very reliable other than the actuators which all seem to go, and the most worrying rod bearing issue.
Check post 47- his brother had a new engine fitted. Not a risk I'd roll the dice on.

On a lighter note, it's a bloody good warranty and they do allow modifications. They obviously won't cover things that have gone wrong due to the mods, but it's good to see they're reasonable about it.
Porsche will throw out a claim if you've got a non approved battery FFS regardless of the fault.

Anyway, we're digressing.
Superb cars, one of the last of the old school. Mark my words, in 10 years time these cars will be hailed as greats, held in a similar regard as the CSL, 1M, E36 M, etc
Those warranty prices are an absolute joke. Actually laughable. You can get full comp warranty on a Porsche for only £85 ish per month!!

Car looks fantastic though, such a great colour. My cousin has the same car with the same wheels just black.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
As a measure of how sad I am, I've just bought from ebay: 1x EVO Magazine featuring the "new" E92 M3, and 1x Original Brochure for the car.



ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
I think that's the first thing I do... And new plates. :blush:

BMW have given me some printed new ones (my private plate). But they have GB on! Ah, but theyre dealer plates. Dammit I'm torn.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
BWahahahah! No, but I insisted on new clean dealer keyrings being fitted.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
Lad here has absolute best/full cover on his 135, and BMW refuse to replace anything unless they absolutely have to lol. Sometimes even refusing to accept there is an issue when there's a chronic suspension knock for example. I guess it's like with all walks of life, dealers vary
This tbh.

My local BMW dealer has sales guys with modified cars and guys on the service team who recommend certain mods, service team at the dealer I got the car from were inept, couldn't deal with the slightest problem and one of them even told me that launch control voids the warranty (it doesn't, but the manual does recommend letting the car cool between launches).


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Trip down to the coast for the weekend. It made the usual Oxford > Bournemouth trip a lot more comfortable. And faster.


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Hi Kiss Luke E****
ClioSport Club Member
  981 Cayman GTS
As a measure of how sad I am, I've just bought from ebay: 1x EVO Magazine featuring the "new" E92 M3, and 1x Original Brochure for the car.


Haha, is that the one where they had it against the RS4? I still have a copy I think.

Amazing choice btw mate, I adore them!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
Haha, is that the one where they had it against the RS4? I still have a copy I think.

Amazing choice btw mate, I adore them!

No it's the original launch issue. But I was looking at grabbing that issue as well haha.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, 530d
So yesterday morning I helped organise the first event for a business I'm involved with called "La Chasse". We decided to run a Cars & Coffee event to get our name out there a bit and it was a big success!

The M3 didn't look too bad amongst all the supercars either.

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Even got a chance to get a snap of it all alone at the end of the day!

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

Before finally getting home and having time to put my plate on it.

Untitled by Jason.Easton, on Flickr

I'm hoping that there was a video of me leaving Sunday Service this morning. It was a soaking wet road but I still want to know what mine sounds like from the outside. My friend turned up to our event yesterday in his E92 M3 that has had the backbox mod, it sounded so much quieter than mine. So god knows whats going on with my exhaust, need to get it on some ramps and see.
