ClioSport Club Member
Nothing spectacular, just an iPhone pic but I liked the picture.
Thanks!. Used a Canon 550D and the Canon 1.4 50mm lens. Dodged and burnt using Photoshop to bring out the front and make the background lighter. Applied a filter using VSCO.Nice!
What camera/lens do you use.
It was a friend on my latest photo. But usually it's me and the girlfriend presses the shutter@nius02 Is that you on the pics you take and set on a timer or is it a friend?
First time back on CS for aaaaages! Mainly come back for the photography chats!
That's a pretty impressive first effort. Slightly jealous of your holiday location @Andy.
What are you using? Focal length?
I generally don't go longer than 30 seconds at 14mm. 10 seconds at most if I'm using my 50mm.
You can get away with high iso on the newer cameras, I often shoot up to 6400 on my 6d. I generally shoot at the largest aperture I can too. 2.8 for my 14mm /1.4 for my 50mm although the latter is an absolute PITA for getting stars in focus. Probably should up it to f2.
There is a rule of 500/focal length for maximum exposure before movement which seems to work for people.
Hopefully you'll get some more clear skies out there. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the shots.
I really like this. You could use it to advertise the rum itself, its that good IMO.
Great shot :smile: