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I'm beginning to regret buying the RS...


ClioSport Club Member
  Alpina D3, AC Cobra
Also Mark....


Just have a 5 min read in the internet and understand the stuff people have told you when trying to help.

You boost plot is all over and the boost solenoid controls boost. It’s a fair suggestion and not one that’s overly hard to understand.

I feel it devalues the vids when you say I know nothing, when you clearly do a whole load of web based reading on other Ford based s**t.
  FN2 Type R +MK6 Golf
A Little point i'd like to make is that the rot has set in. If its just a leaking pipe owners of said car will be convinced its full melt down mode and as a consequence be all up in it due to the bad press.
You can only go so far as a manufacturer and get away with a few engine issues. Once you go over the tipping point that's it nd nothing will bring it back.
There is a reason E60 M5's are so cheap.


ClioSport Club Member
  Honda S2000, C63
No it doesn’t but to be fair to Mark I’d not tolerate any additional issues post new engine. Having to put up with a new engine in a new car is more than enough pain for one to go through.


ClioSport Club Member
Was that a click-bait thumbnail and title? I have a boost leak and an oil leak that suggests my engine has a problem...I thought it was pretty accurate!

The news is...there isn't any, yet.

The HG oil I saw, looking at the pictures I've been sent from other owners, does seem to be the norm. What showed in my pics the dealer was not concerned about, however, they were very concerned about the fact that the back of the engine was covered in oil which was about to start dripping from the sump onto the engine undertray. They couldn't see where it was coming from so they cleaned it up and sent me away.

I'm waiting on a call Thu/Fri/Mon when they have a spare slot and I'll take it back for them to have a proper look at.

Once they're happy the engine is oil tight they'll focus on the boost leak which, for now, they see as a low priority compared to the oil.

As for rejecting the car...the length of time since it was purchased is irrelevant, the fact is that they supplied me a faulty car from day one (confirmed by the engine failing within six months). I gave them an opportunity, and it need be only one, to fix my car and they tried to do so by giving me a new engine...which now has a significant problem.

So, in the eyes of the law, I gave them £35k for a car that works, and since collection on 11th May last year, not once have they delivered on that, it's been faulty all the way.

It would be a total ball ache to reject the car, I will not get the sticker price back...I'd probably end up with whatever WBAC would offer me as Ford are allowed to make a fair adjustment based on usage and wear and it really is a last resort.

If this turns out to be a simple banjo bolt on the turbo oil feed pipe and a hose clamp somewhere, no problem, I'll likely stick with it. If it turns out it needs significant engine work/disassembly...that's when I'll start considering rejection.

It's such a PITA as it really is such a f***ing good car, I love driving it, more so than anything I've ever owned I think...but me buying this was meant to be a long term thing, keeping it original and with it holding onto its value, and it's leaving quite a bad taste now as I seem to have bought into the brand right at the time that they, engine wise at least, released a pup.
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  Evo 5 RS
Stretched too thin?

I’m running 306bhp on a 2.0 Duratec n/a, that’s stretching it....

And drive it how many days a year? This isn't a Duratec engine, though. They seem to last just fine. Moreover, that head leak looks like a pain in the arse. I wouldn't give a rats arse if it was in warranty or not, I'd be getting thoroughly fed up with it if I was Mark at this point.

The second hand market on these is going to be an utter minefield. If it's the turbo oil feed I'll laugh my socks off as that engine was prone to crank case pressure issues on the Mazda MPS which is over 10 years old now. So even if it is something as simple as that, it's laughable. Then you've got the possibility that it's put strain on the seals, too.

Christ I'm glad I don't own a fast car anymore.
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ClioSport Club Member
It's such a PITA as it really is such a f***ing good car, I love driving it, more so than anything I've ever owned I think...but me buying this was meant to be a long term thing, keeping it original and with it holding onto its value, and it's leaving quite a bad taste now as I seem to have bought into the brand right at the time that they, engine wise at least, released a pup.

I can agree with that, it's not like it's had a minor bit of trim rattle or something vaguely annoying.

It s**t the engine within the first year, thats about as bad as it gets.
I'd still be wary of taking it on long journeys, even with a replacement lump.

I get the feeling Ford's R&D department have been taken over by a bunch of idiotic beancounters and have forced a load of mindless lowest possible cost options through.
The Degas pipe fiasco on the Fiestas is another good example.
  Turbo'd MX-5 MK4
Ford aren’t the only ones, i’ve got a fight on my hands for a replacement gearbox.


ClioSport Club Member
  Megane 250
The irony is Ricardos in shoreham did a lot of the R@D on this car and issues were found with the engine that were still present when the press had their cars so it appears it was rushed in to production.


ClioSport Club Member
I've had quite a few owners contact me saying they've also had the turbo oil pipe banjo pipe seeping a litle oil so I'm expecting/hoping that's what's causing the oil loss...I'll have that confirmed this week.

I also spent a good session today just driving the car really really hard and, much as I never thought I'd ever say this...i think the power loss is/was maybe a dyno issue, could the car itself have thrown a fit and held things back? Regardless, the car's banging it's way into the limiter as madly as it always has and doesn't feel any less keen than it ever has.

I remember a mate putting his 208 GTi on the Dyno and came out at about 160bhp lol, he was devastated. I put my Fiesta Mk7 ST on and made book figures. But on the road the 208 was actually little quicker than my ST! But he always thought something was wrong when there wasn’t, various trips the Peugeot to be told everything is fine, so he ended up getting rid after it.

Naughty Boy

Brembo! Brembo! Brembo!
ClioSport Club Member
Dyno is good if your modifying your car and you need a base reading and after plot. Always use the same dyno for accuracy as no one dyno reads the same. How it drives is where it counts, dyno figures are just pub talk.


ClioSport Club Member
  TCR'd 172
I agree with the above but if it's considerably down on power from last time then that means there is a problem not just placebo.


North Yorkshire & Humber
ClioSport Area Rep
I remember a mate putting his 208 GTi on the Dyno and came out at about 160bhp lol, he was devastated. I put my Fiesta Mk7 ST on and made book figures. But on the road the 208 was actually little quicker than my ST! But he always thought something was wrong when there wasn’t, various trips the Peugeot to be told everything is fine, so he ended up getting rid after it.

I’d be asking questions of Surrey rolling road if there’s that much of a discrepancy between runs on the same dyno though.

Get yourself back for another run.

It’d be worth it for the YouTube views.


ClioSport Club Member
Dyno is good if your modifying your car and you need a base reading and after plot. Always use the same dyno for accuracy as no one dyno reads the same. How it drives is where it counts, dyno figures are just pub talk.

I would totally agree with this.

Me and my mate have both just purchased fiesta Zetec S 120's 2009 1.6 engines.

He has put an exhaust system on and induction kit and had it remapped. It made a nice 118 standard and 138 when remapped.

mine is still standard and I havnt had it rolling roaded.

We set off next to each other, second gear all the way to the redline and its neck and neck, no speed difference at all, we just sit looking at each other like wtf.

We did 5-6 runs everything was exactly the same, 3rd gear as well.

Only thing I could think of was I have smaller wheels. we had the same fuel levels and empty cars etc. Oh and I weight 20kg more then him.
  BMW M4; S1000 RR
I would totally agree with this.

Me and my mate have both just purchased fiesta Zetec S 120's 2009 1.6 engines.

He has put an exhaust system on and induction kit and had it remapped. It made a nice 118 standard and 138 when remapped.

mine is still standard and I havnt had it rolling roaded.

We set off next to each other, second gear all the way to the redline and its neck and neck, no speed difference at all, we just sit looking at each other like wtf.

We did 5-6 runs everything was exactly the same, 3rd gear as well.

Only thing I could think of was I have smaller wheels. we had the same fuel levels and empty cars etc. Oh and I weight 20kg more then him.

He wasn’t trying.


ClioSport Club Member
What I was thinking. I don’t think you can blame it all on a humid or sunny day!

Also relying on a small, crappy, standard boost gauge.

Really it wants going on a Dyno and a boost vs RPM map doing, then compare that to other users and see if it's as it should be.
Then maybe a compression test if there's still worry about the head gasket.


ClioSport Club Member
  R53 GR86
Still surprised you moved on given all the effort buying it and saving all the packaging and everything that came with it (binned it ?) I would have thought your enthusiasm would have carried you through the problems for a bit longer but hey ho its only a car.
