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Best place for JC5-130 bearing kit


ClioSport Club Member
Does anyone know a good place for gearbox bearings?

The Renault dealer kit seems a bit hit and miss with a few wrong parts. There haaaas to be somewhere that sells a kit, ideally the SNR set.

Any links?


ClioSport Club Member


ClioSport Club Member
Pure still list things individually on their site, might end up buying through them but I think it adds up pretty quick! Plus they have options and when people give me options I make mistakes!

Can't ask Northloop - then I would have to admit to myself I should have sent him the box a year ago instead of buying tools and taking it all to bits 😂 🤦‍♂️


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Opposite my work is a company called “Bearing Warehouse” and many many MANY gearbox repair places go there to collect their stock.
I have absolutely no clue about gearboxes and bearings but if you can get me names/part numbers/measurements (or whatever bearing people need to supply correct bearings) I’ll gladly go over and get some prices.

I could do with having a chat with them anyway because my stupid gearbox is playing up again. f**king w**k chocolate shite.


ClioSport Moderator
s**t, only just seen this sorry mate wasn't trying to be deliberately rude!

If you wouldn't mind that would be absolutely amazing. Do Renault sell shims individually or do you have to buy the whole set?
It’s alright you ignorant f**k. 😂

8201048885 Selector seal
7703087148 Diff seal
7700872205 Nylon bush
8200117602 End cover seal
7703090425 Mainshaft bearing (pinion)
8200115697 Mainshaft bearing
8200142677 Input shaft bearing with seal
322754793 R Input shaft bearing (roller)
7703090362 Diff bearing (large)
7703090361 Diff bearing (small)
326041339 R Synchro rings 3rd to 5th

You can buy the shims as a pack mate.
