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Car dead after new wiring


ClioSport Moderator
So i decided to install a wee 200W amp with 500W amp wire, in my clio mk1 phase 3.

Now, every time i connect the AMP to the car, the car essentially dies and wont start. As if there is no power at all in the battery.
I CAN bump start it and it runs fine, then the battery charges fine and all is well. Its only when i plug the amp and speakers in the whole car essentially drains of power.

Any ideas on what is causing this?

Yes i do have my wiring correct, the remote wire is putting out 12V and switching the amp on.
The battery is connected properly and is giving out a voltage to the back of the car.
Any ideas its kind of urgent that i fix this dead power issue.

  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
I think you are confusing voltage with current.
There may be 12volts +- at the amp, but there is obviously not enough current to start or run the car or drive the amp.

If you bump start a car, it will run as long as there is some charge from the alternator and a battery that is anything other than a dead short. Thats not the same as "the battery charges fine "

Its a bit like saying there is water in the tap, when there is not enough to fill the bath or work a shower.

I think you need to have the battery tested.


ClioSport Moderator
Im thinking it may be the battery not holding enough power.
Would the problem be caused by the AMP and the car trying to start at the same time?
Would that be easily fixed with a new more powerful battery?
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Its not really that simple. I think you may have had a battery that was just holding its own during the warmer weather, then the cold snap and high usage and now your amp have killed it.

You can fit a higher capacity battery, like the one from a diesel Clio, but you must make sure it has at least the same cold cranking current (amps) for the car.
You also need to consider if the alternator is going to be able to keep it charged up.

The laws of physics say you cant get power for nothing, so just fitting a bigger battery may only be a short term solution, but it will get you going.


ClioSport Moderator
Basically it seems like the amp is causing the problem. As soon as i mess with that the whole car dies. Unless the AMP is faulty and causing a short circuit.

The battery was just a stab in the dark, just to see. So there seems to be underlying problems on this clio. Fantastic.

Any solutions on what would make me able to use my amp and get the car to start everytime?
  Mondeo TDCI 130
are you sure the amp is on a switched 12v feed from the back of the headunit? if its live all the time it will run the battery down in no time at all!
  Carrera 4S. Clio 172. M5
Basically it seems like the amp is causing the problem. As soon as i mess with that the whole car dies. Unless the AMP is faulty and causing a short circuit.

The battery was just a stab in the dark, just to see. So there seems to be underlying problems on this clio. Fantastic.

Any solutions on what would make me able to use my amp and get the car to start everytime?

For a start, if the amp was drawing that much current, it would be called a George Foreman.
There is no way any component, amp or otherwise can sink that much power and not glow red hot.


ClioSport Moderator
are you sure the amp is on a switched 12v feed from the back of the headunit? if its live all the time it will run the battery down in no time at all!
No i did check that. The 12V line which switches on only switches on when the headunit becomes active (the 1st click on the ignition barrel)

Ive got a new amp to try to see if the current is to large so ill have to see how its goes.
