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First car project!


ClioSport Club Member
Well i first got my wee car in feb 2009 just before i turned 17 in march 2009! Was amazing loved my wee dynamique 1.2! I had hunted around for a while as the only specification for my first car was that it had to be a black one haha!

Here are some pics of how it started out life in my hands:



It stayed like this for a while as i was only learning and could afford to change it! However shortly after passing my test i purchased a new headunit, speakers and sub, all pretty shi*t quality


Got rid of the sub and HU pretty quickly and replaced with a vibe CBR12 sub and alpine ida x-001 HU Which are good!

Went through a weird stage of crappy mods which i soon realised just made me look like the stereotypical chav.... not good:




The blue sidelights didnt go down to well with the coppers.... they lasted about 3 months before a copper told me to "take um out and flog um to someone else" copperLAD

Annoyingly my passenger seat broke so the cheapes set of seats i could find was a pair of mint condition clio sport seats for 90 big ones, bargin! Only pic i have of them is the day we managed to fit 3 bikes and 3 people into the clio! Bit of a squeeze but it was ok!


I finally took the plunge and did a proper modification after much deliberation and bought some 60mm spax lowering springs just before x-mas and all the snow! What a waste of time that was as the car was hardly used over the winter due to being more like a snow plough trying to get out my street :(

got abit bored after christmas and new year so changed all my dash lights to blue which looks awesome and tracked down some rear sports seats the match the front - all was good!



After a slow january where nothing happened i decided... 60mm....pfffft can totally go alot lower than that, so i bought some FK coilies off here and duely decked the clio as it so rightly should of been in the first place!


mmmm lovely


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ClioSport Club Member
Next bit is a little bit of a dodgey area which some people will like and some people will hate! But about 2 weeks ago i decided to properly stealth it, so got the windows limo tinted and me and my mate sprayed my alloys which have come out really well! Was nervous before we sprayed them but im so happy with them now!


Wont let me upload anymore pics of how the car stands just now :(
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South East - Essex
ClioSport Area Rep
Posting from the future with your amazing teleportation lights ? Impressive. :rasp:

Keep the tints legal and you shouldn't have any issues with the 5-0.

Keep it between the ditches ;)


ClioSport Club Member
The lights were so bad eh! Dont know what was going through my mind as i cruise ebay late at night after afew beers.... lol

And yea, everything on the car just now is 100% legal and intending to keep it that way!!

Comments and criticism welcome but constructive criticism please dont just say "looks like turd mate!"

Also ideas of what to do next, got a 182 bumper getting sent up tomorrow and getting a custom made 182 style exhaust :)

Possibly get the bump strips sorted next!


Here is the final product! The red clio is my mate Adam's - BassMonStar on here!
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ClioSport Club Member
  lots of clios.
looks decent. colour code and sport grill will make it look 10x better imo! and some lower profile tryes would be pretty cool ;)


ClioSport Club Member
They are LED sidelight specialy ordered in from halfords! They are between 25 and 30 quid but they are good! i can see if i can order some up if your interested!

And fraid not Whiskerz! Springs went a while ago, take the pluge and get coilies mate ;) totally worth it
  RS 182 CUP
howd you change the colour of the bulbs in the clocks? need to get yourself an rs grille now mate


ClioSport Club Member
RS grille is defo going to have to come soon!

Its a hastle to do the dash to be honest mate, took me 3 days to do the whole interior - window switches and all - To do the clocks they are tiny wee like 5mm x 5mm leds. The old ones need to be soldered off the mother board and new ones soldered on! takes forever lol but does look cool!
  MK2 Clio
I love your car - but sorry to sort of steal the thread, but your mates clio Is something I would kill for ;)


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks everyone! Ye my mates is nice but its a not so nice faded pinky red in real life! Needs a respray pretty bad and more lows haha!

Im thinking about spraying the diamonds and the backs of the wing mirror caps white to match the centre of the alloys, what do people think?
  Ph1 track 172
Standard rear lights over the aftermarket ones youve got on there, keep things original!

looks nice, a shade dark for my liking.

plus theres a thread on here where someone has simply colour coded their front bumper on a black ph3,
imo it rivals the sport kit on look, and is a bit more different!

please keep it in mind! lol


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks for the comments!

Your not going to be happy with me Struggler as the lights are staying and i have just fitted a 182 rear bumper!

Cant upload anymore pics but here is a Link to the car with the new bumper, hopefully getting custom made exhaust next week!

Thanks for looking and keep the comments coming with what you think and what i should do next!


ClioSport Club Member
Custom is £350 and comes with a lifetime garentee and i can also decide exactly how i want it to sound! Gonna get it to pop and burble nicely haha

cant wait!

What do you all think about painting the badged and the backs of the wing mirror caps white?
  Octavia VRS LE
plans sound good!! i personally love this car!! i wanted to change my bulbs blue in my dash.... how hard was it? i have never soldered before, so would i just mess it up if i tried doing it my self?
  Clio182, 88'Scirocco
Very very tidy for a non sport, awesome job mate. Love the lowness and the blackness, stealth. So glad the "wana be audi s-line" lights have gone. There the worst mod ever to any car, unless its an audi.


ClioSport Club Member
.... how hard was it?

Its pretty hard mate, well its not really difficult but it just takes foreverrr! Have to have the patience of a saint lol It took me 3 days to do it but i recon if you just went at it properly you oculd get it done in 1 day! I had done quite alot of soldering with all the LED strips and that but its not a hard thing to do! Hope that helps mate! and thanks for the comments


ClioSport Club Member
Thanks alot kris! They were pretty lame im not going to lie! But at least they have gone now!

Need some feedback about doing badges and backs of wingmirror caps white and clio diamonds!

Got some bad news this morning, cutsom exhaust place cant fit me in untill Thursday 17th which is a bugger as i wanted it for going to my mates in dundee on friday!


ClioSport Club Member
I think its the white wheels that are puting me off! I might try it and see how it looks! Can always change them back again!

And i dont think so aldo! Unless someone stole it then realised that its so slow they could get out and walk to their destination faster and then returned it! Although its not in the same position i remember parking it in last night.... weird!


ClioSport Club Member

been a while since i last did anything due to serious lack of funds, however ive finally managed to get myself an RS Grille which im really happy about because it looks sooooo much better than the old one!


Next thing is a custom 182 style cat back exhaust system on thursday so expect an update with pictures and videos on thursday! Really excited!

C+Constructive critisism welcome!!


ClioSport Club Member
it is amazing how much better an RS grille looks, i love it although it needs painted as it looks kind of faded/blueish :S

And thanks Jake, im thinking about smoothing off the bump strips alltogether but not 100% sure yet. Also what plates do you reccomend? Want to keep it all legal so i take it the 3/4 plates are out??

Thanks for the comments people :) Its always nice to open up the thread and seeing people appreciating the hard work thats gone into the car!!


ClioSport Club Member
smart car mate, just to make sure they are the standard 15" alloys arnt they? I'm thinking of spraying mine white, but tbf they look smart in black, what colour did you go for, thanks :D


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate, ye they are just the standard 15" alloys. And they are just gloss black with a couple of layers of laquer on them! They arent too glossy though which i like! Was so nervous when my mate started spraying them but they have turned out great and i love them!!


ClioSport Club Member
Hi mate, ye they are just the standard 15" alloys. And they are just gloss black with a couple of layers of laquer on them! They arent too glossy though which i like! Was so nervous when my mate started spraying them but they have turned out great and i love them!!

they look great anyway mate. haha, i no what you mean i sprayed my bullets and diamond last weekend and was the same, turned out good though :) i'm not sure if i should do mine black or white though now, probs black.. another thing mate do you're wheels rub at all lowered my 60mm and what's the ride comfort like?


ClioSport Club Member
they look great anyway mate. haha, i no what you mean i sprayed my bullets and diamond last weekend and was the same, turned out good though :) i'm not sure if i should do mine black or white though now, probs black.. another thing mate do you're wheels rub at all lowered my 60mm and what's the ride comfort like?

  Ibiza Cupra 1.4 TSI
Looking not bad :) hmm random but why not go for bright badges? or maybe thats just me that likes bright things!
