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my clio j-euro project


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Looks like a standard W reg clio to me? :S

And what is J euro? I am not down with the kids.


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
Its your choice, but i'd rather put my dick in a deep fat fryer than be seen in that.

Looks absolutely terrible.
  Renault Clio Grande
i know haha i have cut it down now soo all good and yep let the haters hate haha not really bothered what people think just making something different to break the mold
  Punto/Clio GTT
words fail me tbh

i dont understand the sticker bombing either.

you might aswell squat on your bonnet, take a s**t, rub it in and laquer over it.
  clio 1.2 16v dynamiq
not euro mate neither jdm at the moment and cant quite see how the two styles will go together as there completely opposite styles but good luck could be interesting, but think you might get a bit of stick on here for it


ClioSport Moderator
  Whichever has fuel
i know haha i have cut it down now soo all good and yep let the haters hate haha not really bothered what people think just making something different to break the mold

I think thats my issue. You haven't actually done anything different to break any moulds.

You've just done a load of cheap mods that have been around for years.
  1.2 16v clio
with abit of work and calming down on the sticker bomb your car has potential.

also you might need to reconsider the box for that sub it looks deadly
  Renault Clio Grande
thanks everyone for the comments taken alot in and changes are gonna be done but just gotta save up some money then be sorted
  Punto/Clio GTT
whatever i say, or whatever anyone else says on here, do what YOU like, not what WE like. if you like it, then f**k our oppinion. you gotta drive it everyday, not us!
  renault clio 172
i know haha i have cut it down now soo all good and yep let the haters hate haha not really bothered what people think just making something different to break the mold

I think its great tbh you wont find another one like it, good luck with the rest of the car :)


Scotland - NW
ClioSport Area Rep
Hope you going to declare the sticker bombing to your insurance.

Really hate this scene buts hey hoe, its your car.
  Ph1 track 172
how is this breaking the mould?? every 18y/o is sticker bombing everything atm, it looks sh!t tbh!! not euro at all, sorry
  Clio 1.2 - 41k miles
how is this breaking the mould?? every 18y/o is sticker bombing everything atm, it looks sh!t tbh!! not euro at all, sorry

My Clio doesn't have any stickers on it.. I'm 18.. Well it has the Renault stickers on the glass.. It doesn't even have the Clio Sport stickers on as I sold that Clio then bought a slightly better Clio :)
  1.2 Dynam & 182FFCup
It appears the majority of CS tend to stay away from stickerbombing and anything chavvy.
I do like the fact that it's outlandish, especially for on here, keep doing what your doing. Subbed.
  Listerine & Poledo
Excelent, another worthless Clio has money spent on it to make it worth even less.

I dont suppose you'd be interested in a sure-thing performance mod? It'll look totally baller under your bonnet, with proven noise gains and it's barely £100. Fitted.
  Renault Clio Grande
what its like now have got rid of the stickerbombed wing, want to colour code more and do more smoothing like to change wheels and get lowerr
  Homo spec mazda
Not hating for the sake of it but when was the last time you actually saw a car in japan stickerbombed? if you must modify it buy some coilovers and some nice wheels and leave it there.
  German V6
Trust me just simple colour coding and lowering it can go a long way, keep it simple try looking at some other non-sports on here and find out what work's and what doesn't.

  1.2 16v clio
other then lowering and colour coding what else do you have in mind?

also if people are negative about stickerbombing ignore it all end of the day its your car as far as i care you could have raised the car 10 inches and fitted 30" chrome spinners on as long as your happy so be it :), hmm i wonder what that would look like having 30" wheels on :D
  Rb Clio 182
Just asking does any body on here know were sticker booming has come from then or what it was first used for ??
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