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1.2 Expression

  1.2 Expression
Got this little clio around 2 months ago. Had another before it for my first car but sadly I wrote it off :(. Its a Platinum Silver 1.2 Expression with 60k miles. Just going to be doing some small gradual upgrades, I want to keep it simple and not go OTT.

Planned Upgrades:

15" or 16" Alloys
New seats
A replacement gear stick Gaitor
New headlights
172 Rear bumper
Colour Coding
Spotlights installed.

My aims will probably change as I go on.

Here's a few quick photos from my iphone camera:


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  blue 1.2 16v
good start, definately get some new seats init even the dynamique seats because not keen on the ones in the expression! plans are good but you need an rs grill in your plans :p
  1.2 Expression
Thanks. Yeah mate, they're horrible and mine aren't in the best condition either. I forgot to add that in, planning to order one next week!
  blue 1.2 16v
haha ive been saying im ordering one for ages there just abit to expensive just for a grill -.- also just get some dynamique alloys 15" and just deck it and will look mint!
  1.2 Expression
they are a bit expensive. I was thinking of ZCW Rave alloys. (google them if you need a pic haha) but i honestly have no idea what kind.
  blue 1.2 16v
yeh bit expensive arent they and no dont get them! id just go for some 16" 172 ones or something then? or some borbets ;) or deep dish!
  1.2 Expression
Wouldn't mind some Renault ones. Like the 172 type as you said... Started colour coding my car today so i'll get that finished then start looking at alloys etc.
  blue 1.2 16v
yeah do it all in your own time of course :D anyway keep this updated i like to see other 1.2's been messed about with :D
  1.2 Expression
Been working a lot so haven't had much chances to work on the car but I've been making use of the better weather. Started the colour coding and got the famous "ClioSport" sticker on.

  1.2 Expression
Just purchased a spoiler from a guy on this. Isn't anything flash just a sports spoiler... I'll get some more pics up tomorrow and I've kind of decided where I want to go with this project. I plan on just trying to restore it to its best condition with a few added extras!
  1.2 Expression
Finally back on here!! :clap:

What I planned to do for the later part of last year just didnt happen. Wasn't exactly the best 2nd half of the year, money wise and few other things. So the little clio had to wait. Anyway just need to pay off the rest of the holiday me and my mates are going on this year and thats it! Work will begin AGAIN lol.

Got a long list of what I plan to do with the car and see it with some life back. Planning to finish it of and hopefully sell the car later on in the year, then get my hands on a newer model. The car managed to get through Winter ok but the sunroof started leaking. Think I've managed to fix it but the person who had the car before me obviously had the same problem and made a right mess of it with sealant. Will be starting progress ASAP and pretty excited about it!

Should be a good year! :cool:
  1.2 Expression
My wipers were f****d so got some new ones on the car as well as a shorter ariel. Just budget blades until the cashblow increases though haha.


IMG_4936 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Next on the list is an RS grill and to get these headlights shinning again! Going to order a 3M Restoration kit when they're back in stock and give it a try.
Right now I don't even think the drivers side headlight is legal and the passenger side isn't great either. Front end should look a bit neater after that.


IMG_4937 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Sealed the sunroof yesterday so hopefully the leaking will stop! It was really annoying me since it started smelling damp but it was dry yesterday so sprayed some
Odour Eliminator in there and left the windows down all day so it could dry out. Worked a treat!

Pretty positive water is going to be getting in here as well


IMG_4935 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Dont know if i should fill it or try buying another bit of plastic/rubber. Any thoughts?
  FF Clio 182
My wipers were f****d so got some new ones on the car as well as a shorter ariel. Just budget blades until the cashblow increases though haha.


IMG_4936 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Next on the list is an RS grill and to get these headlights shinning again! Going to order a 3M Restoration kit when they're back in stock and give it a try.
Right now I don't even think the drivers side headlight is legal and the passenger side isn't great either. Front end should look a bit neater after that.


IMG_4937 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Sealed the sunroof yesterday so hopefully the leaking will stop! It was really annoying me since it started smelling damp but it was dry yesterday so sprayed some
Odour Eliminator in there and left the windows down all day so it could dry out. Worked a treat!

Pretty positive water is going to be getting in here as well


IMG_4935 by COOLdude., on Flickr

Dont know if i should fill it or try buying another bit of plastic/rubber. Any thoughts?

My 1.2 had that problem was missing the corner. Have no idea how they manage to go missing tho! Went to a scrap yard and got one of an old Clio. The corner is attached to the whole strip that goes down the windscreen. I think It cost me about 50p or if your feeling tight just stick in down your trouser leg ;)
