Really? That's awesome most of my mates are into Dota 2 but im not feeling it. Never heard of Shootmania either will have a look at it and a few gameplays when im home from work though.
Will do! Only mixes i've played this year is CoD4 as my mates clan was missing a player. Top frag like a king![]()
Yeah mate, played quite a few high level games. Competed in the ProMod OCLeague Europe a few months ago with a few pro teams in it. Managed to get the quarter finals and ended up losing 16-14.
The match was streamed live with a commentator. Didn't have the best game though, managed to pull off 2 TK's. It's bloody nerve racking when there's a few hundred people watching you! Still quite unfamiliar with promod models.
The stream is here if you want a look - I'm Wilkeh.
1.6 is a lot better than ProMod though.
Give me a shout as I'm definitely up for a few games with you all![]()
Not played CS:GO in months never mind Source or 1.6. Source and 1.6 are my favourites! When I get a decent graphics card, we'll have a game or two!![]()
I'm up for CS or TF2 (or even better, TFC!) - I'm HungerStruck on Steam.
Okay, let's do 8pm on 1.6! And we will figure something out with Adam for after today if he cant make it!
Bah I'm out tonight, will be back about 10ish though if anyone's still on. Think some aim_map is in order!![]()
got it now, been playing with Phoon.... Jesus christ I suck so bad!Top one mate. Bottom one is Condition Zero![]()