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      BIFCAIDS replied to the thread Arma Reforger.
      What are you playing it on @Jonnio?
      BIFCAIDS reacted to Jonnio's post in the thread Arma Reforger with Like Like.
      Downloaded and had a play about on the tutorial but last night.
      BIFCAIDS reacted to RustyMojo's post in the thread Arma Reforger with Haha Haha.
      Fancy a game tonight. I always enjoy knowing my blood pressure is at least lower than someone’s
      BIFCAIDS reacted to Krarl's post in the thread Arma Reforger with Haha Haha.
      Aye they're like that, usually ending up bottom of the board because they're mongs Thanks for the tag Russ, you've just increased my...
      BIFCAIDS replied to the thread Arma Reforger.
      The silly c***s were annoying last night, fullblown conversation over team comms.
      BIFCAIDS reacted to Krarl's post in the thread Arma Reforger with Haha Haha.
      I f**king hate them Every game all you can hear is them talking, they make women look like church mice ffs
      BIFCAIDS reacted to RustyMojo's post in the thread Arma Reforger with Haha Haha.
      @Krarl loves the French when playing COD! I wouldn’t say it was a racist slur as he talks about them so eloquently. “Shut the fock up...
      BIFCAIDS replied to the thread Arma Reforger.
      Last night was unreal, I was in a RUS VS ENG lobby, the abuse was unreal, racial slurs left right and centre, some thick southerner...
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