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Recent content by Dan_Williams2

  1. D

    Orange mobile users

    i wouldnt have thought so if they have breached contract conditions so normal cancel proceedure would not apply. i cancelled mine yesterday and the lady on the phone said it would be cancelled as of today. By 8.30am this morning my phone was cut off and my online account has been removed. So...
  2. D

    Orange mobile users

    i just rang them after reading this topic. Spoke to a lovely lady and said that i had been made aware of the change in call charges which puts Orange in breach of my contract (had the contract since Sep 08) and i would like to cancel. She started off by offering me a £5 reduction in my £40 a...
  3. D

    Hello All Bangor co down ni

    hello and welcome i was seeing some bird from bangor about a year ago, nice lil place
  4. D

    website making companies

    A friend of mine, (John Player) is a web designer, he latest site is another friend is the main programmer for the same site. he likes a bit of private work from time to time so if your interested give me a shout oh he also created this site too for a friend...
  5. D

    Williams' many good ones left?

    yea there a few good examples still running around. i got my one a year or so ago and it hadnt really been that looked after so im currently in the process of buying bits for it to restore it to its former glory. the car ass a whole though has now done 108,000 miles and still runs like a...
  6. D

    R5 GTT V's Megane RS

    with a spool up like that? hmmm
  7. D

    R5 GTT V's Megane RS

    ive had 2 GTT's now before i got the williams and great cars as long as you look after them. handle very well and easy to tune to near enough the 200bhp mark and still be reliable. Id have one again as a second car
  8. D

    R5 GTT V's Megane RS

    GTT cant be running too much power as the spol up on that turbo is nice and quick, probably a T2 or a T25/T2 Nice driving though
  9. D

    Ford GT40 Twin Turbo v's WRX

    is it just me or is that wrx really slow, its only managed 127mph over a MILE. I mean obviously its no match for the GT but surely over a mile a wrx should hit more than that
  10. D

    top mount or front mount intercooler?

    that was exactly my thinking. plus they are not to produce as much boost generally as a turbo would so another reason not to need a large intercooler. chargecooling is a good option butnot the cheapest. New c/c's are about the £500-£600 mark. you can pick them up second hand you are unaware of...
  11. D

    private number plates!

    why's that mate? im trying to get rid of one aswel (the one on my post above)
  12. D

    private number plates!

    now thats a cool numberplate!! you had a touch there mate
  13. D

    top mount or front mount intercooler?

    im a bit confussed at this but why would you need a bigger intercooler for a supercharger rather than a turbo?? turbos are subject to exhaust gases and the extreme heat from them where as the supercharger is belt driven so doesnt come into contact with those gases??
  14. D


    thanks for the reply mate been a meber on here before but was some time ago now. thought i might aswell rejoin and see whats been going on in the world of clio sport