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Recent content by JON FOZ

  1. JON FOZ

    Recaro CS 197/200 seat solution for Clio 172 etc

    Hi,yes.I still supply these frames. Drop me a PM ✅
  2. JON FOZ

    Lowered Recaro seat adaptors for Trophy,Trendlines etc

    Thanks 🤗 my products are still available ✅ Jon Fossard on Facebook or email me on cheers
  3. JON FOZ

    CSF22 ClioSport Festival 2022 - Book Tickets Now!

    They do fit ✅ got them in a car at present
  4. JON FOZ

    CSF22 ClioSport Festival 2022 - Book Tickets Now!

    As mentioned,I am producing a lowered seating kit for the GR Yaris. You mention you already have one fitted but isn’t quite right for you ? drop me a message and let’s see what the issue is 👌
  5. JON FOZ

    Recaro Seat info - updated

    I sure am,still supplying all my VBD products 😎
  6. JON FOZ

    Recaro Seat info - updated

    I’ve replied to your PM
  7. JON FOZ

    Recaro CS 197/200 seat solution for Clio 172 etc

    I can still supply my VBD replacement CS seat frames 😎
  8. JON FOZ

    Jon Foz seat frames

    In for powdercoating as we speak 😎
  9. JON FOZ

    RM04 MOR - Arctic Blue 182

    Currently working on 10 sets of VBD lowered Recaro Trendline adaptors 😎
  10. JON FOZ

    Auto desk Inventor.Which laptop do I buy ?

    I’m looking to start using Autodesk Inventor. I’m looking to use it on a laptop. would anyone have any recommendations which to buy ? Im only using it for simple designs of upto 10 parts per program. I won’t need to run many other windows at the same time. Any help greatly appreciated Jon
  11. JON FOZ

    Ash’s Clio 182 Trophy

    Looks fantastic 😎
  12. JON FOZ

    Sparco R100 seat fitting

    I made a custom set for a customer who fitted these seats They bolted up to the original Clio runners if you already have the runners etc now you could bolt your current set up onto my VBD Clio X-Low subframes send me some pics of your current set up including the subframe etc Jon
  13. JON FOZ

    Best mod?

    the kit individually costs £530 if bought as a package for 172 etc it’s £500 cheers
  14. JON FOZ

    Best mod?

    I can supply my VBD kit to fit the Recaro 197/200 CS seats into 182 etc 😎