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Recent content by Ocrlew

  1. O

    The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

    Just looked up what model it is! Valor! 1 of 110 made and over 1mil..
  2. O

    The Cars Spotted Appreciation Thread

    This looked awesome! Proper show off colour also!
  3. O

    My New Yee - haw Pick Up Truck

    Does look awesome! Hope that the fix
  4. O

    CSF22 ClioSport Festival 2022 - Book Tickets Now!

    Sounds like you all had a great time! Hopefully next year I will have a car to join! If not il Nick my brother turbo 197 for the day i wasn’t at the event, but I saw a lot of you drive through my village. all the cars I saw look great. Saw sash, Daniel, cub, and a few others
  5. O

    Paint bubbles help/advice please

    Ahh fair enough, guess will have to get it sorted Thanks guys
  6. O

    Paint bubbles help/advice please

    Crap! Nearly a year now Just don’t get why all of sudden just shown up
  7. O

    Paint bubbles help/advice please

    Hello, Hopefully someone can help with this so cleaning my car yesterday and then when coming to polishing I noticed these bubbles. It’s all over the rear quarter and rear bumper the car is 12 years old and last wash (about 2 weeks again) they weren’t there, no new products used and they my...
  8. O

    iPhone 12

    How are people finding the 12 pro? Hopefully mine is coming by end of week or early next week
  9. O

    iPhone 12

    I’m that same as a few others I have the X first time not upgrading each year too! I’m tempted to get the 12 pro but dunno if it be worth the extra over the 11 pro once they all flood the market as upgraded! Might be able to pick up a bargain
  10. O

    Midlife crisis + understanding wife = New Toy

    Can’t believe I haven’t come across this thread before. This is one of my old 182’s (had it in 2014) I did nearly buy it when I saw it come back up for sale! Glad it’s gone to good home! If you sell it let me know! I can tell you when I had it, it had a set of catcams and map to suit (i...
  11. O

    My New Forester Sti

    Selling this already? Seen it on eBay
  12. O

    Power Tool Perverts

    My new treats just turned up!
  13. O

    Screwfix discount? Or Milwaukee discount

    I’m looking to get a set of Combi drill and driver thinking Milwaukee as everyone loves them and my brother used them too this is the set I’m looking at...