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Midlife crisis + understanding wife = New Toy


ClioSport Club Member
I went from a Lotus Evora S to a Clio 182. I have more fun in the Clio.

If you have space then keep the Clio. You’ve put so much work into it and it will cost you next to nothing. Rotate your toys each month so that you only pay tax on one and SORN the other. You will appreciate each car that much more if you haven’t driven it for a month. And means the only extra running cost is two sets of insurance.


ClioSport Club Member
  Clio 182
Hi Chris,

Hope you are keeping well.

Unless the Lotus is a specific vehicle you have been offered (you don't say what type), then I would suggest you enjoy the Clio for 6 months or so (until the spring?) and then sell it and follow your dream and buy the Lotus.

After scratching that itch you can then keep the Lotus, move on or buy another Clio. Now you've had one, you will be older and wiser buying the next one and there are still plenty of nice examples about.

I'm sure I'll get shot down for this heretic suggestion!!!

P.S. I thought the Mazda looked OK!


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
I appreciate the comments. Certainly keeping it was always going to be the overriding feeling on a Clio forum!!
There isn’t a specific Lotus and therefore no time constraints and realistically nothing will happen for about 6 months I guess.
The issue I have is that in Nov the Aux belt reaches its 3rd birthday and will need doing soon after. After spending good money doing that it becomes even harder to part with it.


ClioSport Club Member
I appreciate the comments. Certainly keeping it was always going to be the overriding feeling on a Clio forum!!
There isn’t a specific Lotus and therefore no time constraints and realistically nothing will happen for about 6 months I guess.
The issue I have is that in Nov the Aux belt reaches its 3rd birthday and will need doing soon after. After spending good money doing that it becomes even harder to part with it.
Arguably you can command more for it having had the belts freshly done though.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
True enough mate. But not so much that I’d see that money back I guess.


ClioSport Club Member
True enough mate. But not so much that I’d see that money back I guess.

But you will have longer enjoyment of the car so treat it as buying more time with it. I guess it’s 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
I love Lotus cars, always have done. But having recently driven another supercharged S2, I still wouldn’t part with my Clio for one at £25k.
But you gotta follow your dreams.

If you can, buy the Lotus and run the pair for 6 months. Then sell the Clio if you’re happy to do so


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
But you will have longer enjoyment of the car so treat it as buying more time with it. I guess it’s 6 of one and half a dozen of the other.
I love Lotus cars, always have done. But having recently driven another supercharged S2, I still wouldn’t part with my Clio for one at £25k.
But you gotta follow your dreams.

If you can, buy the Lotus and run the pair for 6 months. Then sell the Clio if you’re happy to do so

Thats interesting to hear for sure!! They certainly punch well above their weight!!


ClioSport Club Member
Thats interesting to hear for sure!! They certainly punch well above their weight!!
The one I recently drove was lovely with some nice bits including a 250 map, Nitrons, Larini exhaust etc.
Went well and sounded superb. The exhaust alone was worth it. But I still find the steering too light, the balance difficult to really commit to, and the build quality tough to swallow at their price point.
Don’t get me wrong, they feel like a little racing car and look sensational even almost 20 years on. I just couldn’t see the value for money in it.
An Exige 240Cup was on mu shortlist when I bought the Cayman alongside a 1M. But after driving them again, I opted for the Porsche.

Do you know what year/spec car you’re after


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
The one I recently drove was lovely with some nice bits including a 250 map, Nitrons, Larini exhaust etc.
Went well and sounded superb. The exhaust alone was worth it. But I still find the steering too light, the balance difficult to really commit to, and the build quality tough to swallow at their price point.
Don’t get me wrong, they feel like a little racing car and look sensational even almost 20 years on. I just couldn’t see the value for money in it.
An Exige 240Cup was on mu shortlist when I bought the Cayman alongside a 1M. But after driving them again, I opted for the Porsche.

Do you know what year/spec car you’re after

I was meaning the Clio’s punch. But it’s interesting to hear a real world review. To be honest I’ve never driven one so my start point would be budget I guess and see what fits both my needs and budget.


ClioSport Club Member
Every keen driver should experience Lotus. No-one does steering and brakes, and the feeling of a car being light on its feet and up on tiptoes better than Lotus. And the boys from Hethel have also mastered the art of combining ride comfort and pin-sharp handling.

I personally have more fun in hot hatches because I can drive them harder and throw them around in a way I could never do in a Lotus, which are more akin to precision missiles that you guide like a sewing needle or soldering iron. I can take liberties with my Clio or Megane which in a Lotus would land me instantly in a ditch or gravel trap. There isn’t the same opportunity to spanner on a Lotus, and I really appreciate down-to-earth and open-minded online communities like Cliosport - the Lotus forums are too partisan (TLF) and curmudgeonly (SELOC) for my taste.

I wouldn’t rule out going back to another Lotus though - a Sport 220 would do quite nicely. The V6 cars are torquey and sound good but imo are spoiled by their engines being mounted too high.
Last edited:


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
So an extra expense this week. The battery I jumped the other week finally gave up the ghost yesterday. The car wouldn’t even unlock so I s**t myself as I’d convinced myself that the ignition key didn’t unlock the door and the other key was filler cap only. Fortunately the lock was just a little stiff from lack of use. And the Ignition key opened the passenger door. Happy days.
Then the fun started. I popped the bonnet and removed the battery. This set the alarm off, and it only stopped to take breath before launching into another verse! My tea was on the table and I’d only popped out to remove the battery to save a few minutes today as I had both kids all day.
Long story short I replaced the battery and shut the bonnet and door and it eventually went quiet.
After I’d had cold tea I realised my phone was in the car so risked the neighbours wrath to retrieve the phone, sure enough opening the door set it off again, but only one round this time.
This is the old one and the receipt in the paperwork file indicates it was only fitted in Jan 2019. Along with an alternator, which at £100 was likely a recon or second hand part.

Went for a Bosch in the end. Obligatory picture.

Obviously the car wouldn’t start and eventually the Immobiliser woke up and the engine fired.

So stereo #4 arrived today. How is #2 working for you @mossyv6 🤣

I’ve just fitted this. Still not 100% as it won’t pick up FM, but talkSport does pick up on this one, so with a full compliment of buttons that all work that's enough for me.
I loaded the child seats in and thought I’d test it’s ability to fulfill Dad taxi duties.
I’ve seen the kids look happier.

Sometimes the baby is allowed butter on her dry crackers.

A mate in a brand new JCW Mini came up behind me on the back roads home. After confirming it was who I thought it was, we had a little play. He text me later to say the baguette shifts and sounds awesome. Given he’s what he’s just dropped on his car, I’m happy with that.

Have some used Cooksport springs coming this week and have it booked in Friday for these to be fitted and the Powerflex front ARB bushes I purchased a while back.
I’m intrigued as to how these will compare to the Eibach which it currently sits on.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Friday the Clio was booked in for these to be fitted. Front ARB bushes, while under it recently I noticed the OEM bushes had looked better. And by chance these popped up on here a few days later.

And these.

A set of used Cooksport springs. The car was wearing Eibach and they too looked pretty ropey and the ride was crashy at best. This was cheaper than the dentistry I’d need if I didn’t try something different.

First impressions on the way back from the garage were very positive. The ride is more compliant and generally the car feels less skittish and more planted.
The downside being the mechanic noted one of the front shocks is weak, which would go some way to explaining some of the symptoms I’d noticed and an inner CV boot is split.
So a new set of shocks will likely get brought at some point soon.
These are the old bushes I asked the garage to save for me.

And these are the springs. Or one of them anyway.

Pretty grim!

Prior to it going in on Friday, I finally got around to giving it a quick wash and wax.
I used a Meguiars Quik Wax which was dead easy to use and after the recent (April) clay bar, the paint now feels like glass.
A few pictures because.





ClioSport Club Member
Could be mistaken...but don’t think Eibach made yellow springs for the Clio. They look like Apex items.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Could be mistaken...but don’t think Eibach made yellow springs for the Clio. They look like Apex items.

You are likely correct, I’m only going on what the previous seller had said. So yeah they are very likely Apex. Either way they are shite and needed changing!! 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
It’s been a quiet few weeks expenditure wise, Mainly because it doesn’t urgently need anything and I’m enjoying driving it and I’ve been in two minds as to what to do with it. Move it on or keep it and continue the spends.
My wallets appreciated the break anyway.
I’ve pretty much decided to keep it and with that decision made and winter approaching I needed to change the front AD08R’s for something better equipped for winter and more importantly with some actual tread.
I forgot to take a picture of what they looked like yesterday so this was taken some months ago.

After much reading and mainly noting what other Clios are running as daily tyres I went for the Michelin PS3’s.
Not a cheap option for sure. But they appear to be a great all round tyre and decent in the wet and dry.
Obligatory rubbish photo.

Having just been out for a hurried drive across some local country roads, they seem decent. The ride is undoubtedly smoother and there wasn’t a hint of them breaking traction on the albeit short drive.
The increase in tread does now mean that the near side seems to scrub slightly when on a roundabout.
I’ll likely replace the shocks in the near future, this may solve the scrubbing.


ClioSport Trader
  Badass Toyota
Could be mistaken...but don’t think Eibach made yellow springs for the Clio. They look like Apex items.
Eibach are only in red or black.

Red - sportlines
Black - prolines

Trophy Springs were yellow :D
But in this case more likely to be Apex.

Prolines are actually called Pro-Kit springs - Not really sure why everyone calls them Proline. I know its picky but for some reason it really bugs me like nails down a blackboard lol


ClioSport Club Member
Can’t believe I haven’t come across this thread before.

This is one of my old 182’s (had it in 2014)

I did nearly buy it when I saw it come back up for sale! Glad it’s gone to good home! If you sell it let me know!

I can tell you when I had it, it had a set of catcams and map to suit (i fitted the air box too) so unless other owners took them out should still have them.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Can’t believe I haven’t come across this thread before.

This is one of my old 182’s (had it in 2014)

I did nearly buy it when I saw it come back up for sale! Glad it’s gone to good home! If you sell it let me know!

I can tell you when I had it, it had a set of catcams and map to suit (i fitted the air box too) so unless other owners took them out should still have them.

Ive messaged you!! 👍


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
A typical sight for many Renault owners I guess.

But the first time I’ve been stranded.
I had a starting issue a while back and replaced the battery and until today it’s been fine.
So late yesterday I used the Clio to do four very short runs to one If my daughters classes. Under a mile and switched it off while kids were decanted etc. It was also very wet, this may be relevant.
This morning I used it to pop down the town, again under half a mile and switched it off while I popped into a shop. Came out, dead. Nothing. No dash lights, nothing. It wouldn’t even lock on the key. It was showing feint lights, and maybe once they came on bright, but died as i turned the key further. So I abandoned it and went to the dentist.
Came back and still dead. So I went home and fetched the Mazda Shed. Tried jumping it and this eventually gave me dash lights, and it cranked, but wouldn’t fire.
The immobiliser light was solid, so this seemed fine.
Once I’d tried everything I could, I called the breakdown number I get with work. Local company turn out and the bloke admits he’s no mechanic. To be fair when I knew who was coming I was fully expecting a tow home.
Anyway he plugs his reader into the car and within a minute turns the key and it fires up.
Now his explanation doesn’t make much sense, but he said that the battery had gone completely flat and this didn’t bring a code up, but he could tell it was flat and cleared the non existent code.
Either way the car runs. And the battery had gone so flat, that I needed to recode the stereo.
Im still none the wiser as to the exact nature of the problem. I suspect that the short runs yesterday were a major factor and I suspect the alternator isn’t fully fit. It’s also possible my 2 yr old, who likes to play with the buttons on the dash, had a small grubby hand in it too.

If anyone can offer any opinions, conspiracy theories, or general piss taking, I’d merrily receive your thoughts.


ClioSport Trader
  172 Track M3RS Track
A typical sight for many Renault owners I guess.
View attachment 1497741
But the first time I’ve been stranded.
I had a starting issue a while back and replaced the battery and until today it’s been fine.
So late yesterday I used the Clio to do four very short runs to one If my daughters classes. Under a mile and switched it off while kids were decanted etc. It was also very wet, this may be relevant.
This morning I used it to pop down the town, again under half a mile and switched it off while I popped into a shop. Came out, dead. Nothing. No dash lights, nothing. It wouldn’t even lock on the key. It was showing feint lights, and maybe once they came on bright, but died as i turned the key further. So I abandoned it and went to the dentist.
Came back and still dead. So I went home and fetched the Mazda Shed. Tried jumping it and this eventually gave me dash lights, and it cranked, but wouldn’t fire.
The immobiliser light was solid, so this seemed fine.
Once I’d tried everything I could, I called the breakdown number I get with work. Local company turn out and the bloke admits he’s no mechanic. To be fair when I knew who was coming I was fully expecting a tow home.
Anyway he plugs his reader into the car and within a minute turns the key and it fires up.
Now his explanation doesn’t make much sense, but he said that the battery had gone completely flat and this didn’t bring a code up, but he could tell it was flat and cleared the non existent code.
Either way the car runs. And the battery had gone so flat, that I needed to recode the stereo.
Im still none the wiser as to the exact nature of the problem. I suspect that the short runs yesterday were a major factor and I suspect the alternator isn’t fully fit. It’s also possible my 2 yr old, who likes to play with the buttons on the dash, had a small grubby hand in it too.

If anyone can offer any opinions, conspiracy theories, or general piss taking, I’d merrily receive your thoughts.

Battery terminals arnt loose are they?

Mine does it eve dry now and then but yeah,

One way to test the alternator if you haven’t got a checker is get the car running and disconnect the battery

If it dies you have a bad alternator
If any lights go dim, its normally producing just enough charge

That would be my starting point [emoji1362]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Battery terminals arnt loose are they?

Mine does it eve dry now and then but yeah,

One way to test the alternator if you haven’t got a checker is get the car running and disconnect the battery

If it dies you have a bad alternator
If any lights go dim, its normally producing just enough charge

That would be my starting point [emoji1362]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Thanks mate. I’ll give that a go.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
The starting issue hasn’t happened again, although I’ve not used it on short runs, in fact I’ve barely used it.
Had some free time this afternoon, so popped over to Beaniesport, firstly for the drive and secondly, according to the paperwork I have, the Aux belt is 3yrs old in Nov.

Chris happily quoted for the belt, but then asked to have a look over the car. He certainly didn’t have too. Anyway, he seemed to think the belt and tensioner had been done since 2017, the tensioner, he thought was way to shiny to warrant changing and said not to bother.
On the way over, the engine management light had appeared and the airbag light too. This added to the trifecta of lights I’ve had since I had the steering wheel off.

So he plugged it in and Steering angle sensor seemed way off, he took the steering wheel off but after a play diagnosed the right rear wheel speed sensor as the issue and advised where I could get one.
He cleared the engine light, as that was the lambda sensor. And the airbag light too. I’d had the wife in the passenger seat earlier and that was enough to upset the plugs under the seat.

Bless him, he even jacked it up to investigate a slight knock he’d heard while moving it. He advised I could use a new front near side track rod end, but not urgently and noticed the split CV boot, which I knew about.

Overall he seemed to think it was a decent example and in decent shape, so I’m pretty happy with that.

I stopped to take some pictures on the way out. Why? Just because.


I’ll certainly use Beaniesport for the impending jobs, which thankfully don’t seem as urgent is I’d imagined the Aux belt to be.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Nice work from Chris.

I was going to suggest checking the alternator. I had a similar issue last year and it was my alternator.

Rb still looks good 👍

I have to say his enthusiasm and willingness to investigate the issues was impressive. Especially as I went there for a quote he talked himself out of doing, then spent half an hour doing some diagnosis and never asked for a penny.
Top bloke.

I suspect the alternator is defective, but if driven for longer runs seems to get enough juice back to the battery to keep it starting.

RB rules!! 😉


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
No real update. But took advantage of a kid free afternoon to give the old nail a wash and take it out for a little spin.


It still surprises me how quick it is. I know it shouldn’t but I guess having not really driven it that much, and certainly not in anger, opportunities to really press on have been few and far between.


ClioSport Club Member
  Elise, Merc C180 Est
Well last Friday the Clio did a midnight flit south to its new owner.

It duly arrived in the small hours of sat morning.

It was certainly a welcome distraction over the summer and no doubt I’ll regret selling it in years to come. But for the now it was the right thing to do.
Hopefully I’ll be in a position to replace it sometime next year.
For now it’s back to the classifieds...........................................
