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RS Monitor Clutch Temperatures

  Clio 220 Trophy
Want to start a discussion around clutch temperatures as report on RS monitor.

2015 Clio 4 RS 220

What tempratures are people seeing?

I dont know what is normal or high.

Ive seen as high as 110 degrees C when being driven hard.

Around 90-100 when driving 20mins through stop start rush hour traffic.

I dont creep in traffic. When im off the brake im immediately on the accelerator even if its about 5% pressed. Normally let about 3-4 car lengths gap open up before moving.


ClioSport Club Member
With my old 200 edc it'd normally be around 110 when warmed up, and up to 225 on track with out any overheat faults
  Clio 220 Trophy
are you talking clutch temp or EDC oil temp?
Clutch i assume. Its what i was asking about. The pic shows 112 degrees. Which correlates with the "warmed up" temperature.

Surely a 220 degree oil temp would deep fat fry the gearbox? 🤣


ClioSport Club Member
I've been looking back at some of my track vids, not sure mine gets that hot tbh

Daily driving is around 70 80 after traffic.

Track looks like 130/140 ish
  Clio 220 Trophy
I've been looking back at some of my track vids, not sure mine gets that hot tbh

Daily driving is around 70 80 after traffic.

Track looks like 130/140 ish
Sounds fair. I guess there would be some variation, due to wear, car to car.

Im fairly sure clutch 1 is slipping in mine a bit. When i floor it in 3rd sometimes the revs jump up to around 4k as the car builds speed for a second then carries on up the rev range. Hard to explain but it just doesn't feel right.


ClioSport Club Member
one way to check is put it in 4th and watch the boost gauge and how it reacts, do the same in 5th and if it holds back more you may have clutch slipping.

Clutch one in mine intermittently slips, I think its light contamination. If i track day it or beat on it its not an issue, only does it sometimes when giving it a poke
  Clio 220 Trophy
Thanks! Good advice. I will try that the next time conditions allow.

I did wonder about contamination. It only feels strange the 1st few times I floor it. After a bit of hard driving it stops doing it.

BTW are you ADEYSPEC on Youtube? If so thanks for the content! I have RS monitor now because of your vid 👍😃
  Clio 220 Trophy
Nice one. Really great content. Need to reset my service light too. Ive seen your guide on it. Just waiting for the parts to arrive to service mine. So will follow your spark plug replacement guide too 👍 thanks! 🤣
  Clio R.S. Trophy 220
I was driving to work this morning in stop start traffic and my clutch went to 100c. I panicked a little, googled it and it brought me here. I also feel a slip when in 5th.
