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  1. D

    Funniest Thing You Have Been Told By A Dealer...

    The first and last time I took my car into a Renault dealer was to them when my Air Con stoped working. It took 2 trips for them to find the problem and a further 3 trips to put it right due to wrong parts or the wrong staff being in? :rolleyes:
  2. D

    how do you kill a hard drive

    The magnet bit was a poor joke ;) you'd need a seriously strong electromagnet to wipe a drive properly, are you trying to wipe it so you can use it again or juts get rid of it without fear of data theft? if its the latter then just smash the thing up and bin it, if its the first then a normal...
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    how do you kill a hard drive

    An industrial magnet would do the job but assuming you dont have access to one of those a mallet will work well.. and be more fun.
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    My 182 (56k warning)

    Yea so far all ive done is silvertec bulbs and a k-tec splitter, going to get a cup spoiler as soon as I have the money after that Im not sure. :)
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    My 182 (56k warning)

    Hi all - new 182 owner here had my arti 182 for just over a month now and I’m loving every minute of it been checking this forum for a good while now and it was a big help in my decision to go for a 182 (thanks for that) anyway figured it was time I started making some posts so here’s some pics...
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    Climate Control Issues

    The dealer I got it off doesn’t cover it but thanks for prompting me to ask my local Renault dealers as I didn’t realise the manufacturers warranty was still in place.. this is the first car I’ve owned which had any warrenty of any kind all my previous cars were old run abouts. :o Thanks again.
  7. D

    Climate Control Issues

    Hi I recently bought a used 182 and after under a week the climate control has packed in.. infact the in car cooling has stoped working full stop. I was just wondering how much this will probably cost me and if it would be a bad idea to try get it fixed at a none Renault dealer? Cheers.
  8. D

    Renaults Name for TEJ41

    Hi all another new guy here, I recently bought an 04 RS 182 and Im looking to get some touch up pens to tidy it up a bit, was wondering whats Renaults name for the code in the title? The dealer I bought it from called it Electric Blue but after looking up electric blue here Ive noticed thats a...