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Search results

  1. J

    Who said 250bhp NA was expensive?

    jesus! 250bhp?! Imagine what power could be made if he put a K&N Air filter on it!
  2. J

    I hate rabbits!

    +1 hahahahaha
  3. J

    172 vs 197

    This is the reason I wont put my car on a RR lol Edit: The spoiler you put on took it down to 179.9 :/
  4. J

    White 182 project

    Looks cracking mate! Like you said Stipes and stickes coming off will finish it off well :) Also the french flag thing on the grille is not for me and put on some fresh plates or 3/4 plates.
  5. J

    Clio Campus Sport - Own up

    I've seen it there before! Owned by a 17 year old who wears an "obey" snapback. tried to race me before aswell the idiot.
  6. J

    Half-Life 2: Revisited

    Only thing that is scaring me about HL3... as HL1+2 had so much I have a feeling HL3 will be held and hyped up after so long it would be a massive let down like Duke Nukem for example.
  7. J

    Bit of a monster for sale..

    Seen it the other day! Looks awesome but a bit pricey still. Like dan said someone with a bit of money could turn that into a tank lol
  8. J

    Half-Life 2: Revisited

    ^ Can't really say it better.
  9. J

    Half-Life 2: Revisited

    ^^^^ ans there's something called rule 34. Just google it if you don't know what it means.
  10. J

    Half-Life 2: Revisited

    The hardest one so far.... 50G for me. But yes I have heard Valve are teasing the fact of a pack called "3" or something. Will contain HL2 Episode 3, Team Fortress 3 and Portal 3.
  11. J

    Trophy on white chrono's img..

    Don't like it, wheels are ugly and the PS attempt made it worse.
  12. J

    Half-Life 2: Revisited

    I would be super exited when HL3 comes out! I didn't know you been playing games at 2880x1800 on your Mac though - ;)
  13. J

    South Wales General Chat

    There's loads around bridgend today seen 3 on my way to and from Tesco. Not gunna post in the spotted cos I know they ain't members lol
  14. J

    Newbie S Wales

    It's not bad but its on springs and the standard shocks can't take it so its a real trashy ride lol. ​Im joining physique next month so will see you there haha!
  15. J

    Newbie S Wales

    Bryntirion/ Cefn Glas. And this is my 172 The only decent one I've got of it lol
  16. J

    Newbie S Wales

    Sorry to hear, Never good when you have to get rid of something you've loved and owned for a while. Hopefully it works out and ill give you a beep if I see you in the scoob or 182 lol
  17. J

    Newbie S Wales

    Fair enough then! so coming from a line of turbo's to an N/A hot hatch, fancied a change then lol. Ah nice!
  18. J

    Newbie S Wales

    Very nice mate! Where in Bridgend you live? I swear I've seen this once or twice before lol
  19. J

    Newbie S Wales

    Hey mate put a pic up of the scoob! I might have seen it around!
  20. J

    '05' Racing Blue 182, Cardiff City Center (Probably around 10:30am)

    Welcome to sunny south Wales then lol, How soon you going to be moving in mate?
  21. J

    Black Mountains meet + drive

    Just realised this:
  22. J

    how to fit carbon headlight washer blanks

    Tiger seal and stick them on yourself.
  23. J

    just bought a rs tuner

    As 182Tev said Henk (is it still henk yeh?) is a real helpful guy.
  24. J

    Weekly Waxathon inc. NEW PRODUCT!!!

    Well done mate!
  25. J

    '05' Racing Blue 182, Cardiff City Center (Probably around 10:30am)

    Bit of a long shot but do you know a Adbul Hassan that used to work there? He was a manager or something there lol
  26. J

    '05' Racing Blue 182, Cardiff City Center (Probably around 10:30am)

    Don't get me started! I work right next to it, I go on my break and I can smell it! haha
  27. J

    The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]

    Genuine question here, how many awesome games have been PC only?
  28. J

    The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]

    So when it comes down to it you would rather console? PC has way more to give than a console imo, can have more than 1 monitor, most games are dedicated servers, graphics are better, and can download mods for the games. e.g steam box (is it steam box? or Steam community)
  29. J

    The Power PC Thread [f*ck off consoles]

    +1 hense why I sold my xbox just to get components for my PC. I wish I had £3-400 just lying around lol.
  30. J

    Black Mountains meet + drive

    Would be able to come on the 26th but not the 25th :)