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southern style i wouldnt trust them with a box of spanners! their work is shoddy and they dont do half the things they say they will! i did warn you... if you were closer i would give you a hand
it just seems you do everything everyone else has done lol, lower, wheels in a random colour and now you are copying the whole black marker on white paint thing that has been done before.... im not knocking you... just do something original...
kaaz is noisy if your gonna say get the nismo pro 2 way, you can adjust how hard or soft it locks... but still going 1.5 or 2 way is a big step i would go for a ride in a car with one, anyone who gets in your car will think its fucked... might be better to look at a s15 torsen...
its the paint its a pearl/flip kinda paint, looks perfect in person.... rear bumper is a marmite part... some people like it the majority hate it... the stock rear end on a fd3s is so sexy trying to change it is hard!
i will send him a message on a board he is frequent on
as for that subframe WOW! i would buy a second hand frame and take your time poly bushing it then swap it over in a day
only prob with the re am fd is the wheels are too big and they are gold plated lol! 6k a rim! its retarded!!!
mate of mine just imported this to sell... its a f**king animal!
was built by re amemiya in japan! re am bridgeported engine plus pretty much ever re am part you can get...
lol the girl with the nsx i outed her on facebook lol, she wrote on my mates wall that she had a nsx-r i called bullshit saying she would be very lucky and would of paid over 100k.... then i found out the engine bay etc is red and she evenutally admitted to it being a nsx... been told it has...