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  1. Dan Page

    for those of you.......

    cool video :)
  2. Dan Page

    How long should it take?

    Gearbox oil isn't that expensive really and you dont need that much of it. Someone will come along shortly and be a bit more specific im sure....
  3. Dan Page

    Timos wedding

    sweet :p
  4. Dan Page

    How much does a new 182 Cat cost?

    got a new yozzasport one so no need :p Dave; £40 and its yours!
  5. Dan Page

    Your thoughts needed

    lol /\
  6. Dan Page

    Car keeps cutting out with weird orange light on dashboard!!

    if ur looking at the block, its at the back, think of the part in his hand but the other way round lol, u cant miss it, seriously!
  7. Dan Page

    How much does a new 182 Cat cost?

    Do you think its worth doing mate? Its on ebay at the mo but i dunno whether to sell it as needing work or pay to fix it and then sell it...
  8. Dan Page

    Removal of External Clio Badge

    I had it smoothed on my old 1.2. IMO it looked better for it too :p
  9. Dan Page

    Removal of External Clio Badge

    no, it has two pins going through it dude, u need to get the holes smoothed if you take it off!
  10. Dan Page

    check this tool in his beemer

    Already seen this, think its a repost! :p Funny tho...
  11. Dan Page

    Car keeps cutting out with weird orange light on dashboard!!

    5: Damaged Upper engine loom. Where the anti tamper cover on the loom connector at the rear of the engine moves and chaffs the cable. So causing poor running stalling etc. Renew the loom and apply a rubber sleave to the cover to stop it happening again. Just copied that from edde's thread...
  12. Dan Page

    Car keeps cutting out with weird orange light on dashboard!!

    no, thats not it mate. I know there is a pic on here somewhere of what i am on about, hang on i will try and find it.
  13. Dan Page

    big cans :O

    I think they look shite in the top pic but in the other pics it dont look too bad dare i say it....
  14. Dan Page

    Your thoughts needed

    That lupo is fuckin stunnin. I have drove my mates a few times, hers is low on fk coilovers and i cannot get over how well it is built. It is so solid and no rattles whatsoever and it is down low! I think the renault are built not as bad as you may think but still not upto the VW quality...
  15. Dan Page

    Car keeps cutting out with weird orange light on dashboard!!

    I think this is a common problem with the 1.2 16v, espesh the earlier ones. Check at the back of the engine there is a square black metal box shape that covers some wiring. If you take that off underneath i bet you it has rubbed through the wires. You can either get that new loom and run it...
  16. Dan Page

    How much does a new 182 Cat cost?

    I have two of them and i have put one on ebay, it does need the flange re-welding but it is mint and only done 9k. Just wanted to know how much they are new as a few ppl have all told me different figures!
  17. Dan Page

    Put the liquid yellow badges on 2day

    that looks mint!
  18. Dan Page

    bargain on winter wheels? 4 x dynamique alloys

    thats a bargain!
  19. Dan Page

    172 Mystery plug??

    sorry off subject but when i was installing my ice i found a plug under my glovebox that isn't plugged into anything, just dangling. Looked in my mates 182 and he also has it. Whats this???
  20. Dan Page

    H&R rattle from rear - update

    i'll second that, although the h&r's are much better all round i think the fk platforms are a much better idea... FK's: H & R's:
  21. Dan Page

    Alpine Tunez!!!! Help Required

    on the head unit, go for the 9812rb. I dont think you will beat that for £200!!!
  22. Dan Page

    selling after xmas what is a good price 40,000 miles 1 previous owner

    very nice mate, i have no idea on how much it will sell for tho lol
  23. Dan Page

    Temperature Sensor

    im certain this is a common problem with the 182. My first 182 did this! Pretty sure renault can fix it easily tho.
  24. Dan Page

    Quick Guide Needed - Removal of Viper and fitting of 182 air box

    its gonna be really easy, just strip the viper off and all associated bits to it and then just look at the airbox and see how it fits, it really cant be hard.....
  25. Dan Page

    Skirts for 182

    noooo.... keep em standard!!!
  26. Dan Page

    Clio Maxi

    i wouldn't buy that, more than likely been in a accident right?
  27. Dan Page

    Just formatted a drive accidently

    ontrack easy recovery pro is what i have used in the past and its always worked well....
  28. Dan Page

    paris motorshow pics

    i think the new coupe is alright :o