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Search results

  1. David

    Google Nexus One

  2. David

    HTC Hero - Few days usage - outcome

    i found the hero sluggish with a poor battery. more excited about the nexus one out today.
  3. David

    Google Nexus One

    i hope so, it would be good to have apple have some decent competition. although i get the feeling newhardware is sorely needed for apple, i literally didn't buy the 3gs because it was the same as the 3g just a bit faster....was pointless...same reasoni didn't buy a 3g over a was the...
  4. David

    Google Nexus One

    hmm i think the iphone is prob going to be more responsive due to the activated mutlitouch, and all other android phones i've used seem to lack something in regard to the keyboard on screen, but i'm pretty excited about it none the less.. wonder if the UK will have the option of buying it...
  5. David

    Google Nexus One

    yeh i think there are a few nay sayers on it , but i'm keen as i just hate iphones. like the idea of an unlocked handset direct from google though
  6. David

    Google Nexus One

    Anyone else excited about it? i'm really hoping it'll be what the hero should of been in terms of performance, not sure about it running without multitouch but i guess we'll see. thought the videos etc look pretty sleek. thoughts?
  7. David

    Games - Vista or 7

    7 without any doubt, surprised you've not done this earlier tbqh
  8. David

    Red Faction : Guerilla. Erm, ok?

    hmm never encountered an issue, nailed it without a problem iirc. finished the game and the only issue i had was the last level so to speak. perhaps u shud do other missions around it until u get a bit tougher?
  9. David

    HDMI Issue

    try a different cable perhaps, a digital signal is identical via whatever medium really but apparently my colleague had the same issue with a wd box he purchased and he used a ps3 cable which magically solved the issue!!! so he just bought another one of those and he's a happy sailor no harm...
  10. David

    Dreamscene on windows 7 64 bit

    there are enablers out there, i got one and got it working, is on my home pc. some of the vids are cool but novelty wears off and it does'nt always kick in when windows starts....ended up going back to roating pics folders.
  11. David

    hero android updates

    nice. same as this nexus one announcement according to things online :)
  12. David

    hero android updates

    any ideas on timeline?
  13. David

    Which will give me better sound?

    amped will be better, but kinda dpeends on how good ur earphones are as to whetyher you'll notice it or ont.
  14. David

    32" or bigger TV. Help needed!!

    i have a 40" sony LCD for sale on this forum for £400.
  15. David

    HTC phones

    i have the hero, great phoine, a little slow at times. heard hd2 is the balls
  16. David

    Best mobile phone packaging ever!!

    box was good, phone looks s**t to me.
  17. David

    recommend a bluray disc to show what a hdtv can do?

    iron man is what i normally use.
  18. David

    Palm Pre

    same here, mate i have a lot of hopes for it though, they better change the look of it for 4th gen, if it's red go faster stripes on the back with a better camera, @ £600 i'll never go apple again!!!
  19. David

    Palm Pre

    agree, just need to get android 2 on a snapdragon proc to use it's potential i think.
  20. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    qnap looks good but jesus they're expensive... apple server doesn't really fit purpose!!! i need basically cheapish redundant easily accessible high definition media storage !
  21. David

    Palm Pre

    instead of 'could' i meant 'GOT'...i got myself one to play with etc etc
  22. David

    Palm Pre

    Well it turns out...after along wait, i could myself one to play with for the next month or so...had it two days and just fallen in love with it. The keyboard you actually get used to, sure it feels a bit cheap but the OS is brilliant. Really is, its responsive and the multitasking is great...
  23. David

    The most annoying thing ever! (well kind of)

    happened to me on sf4, THREE TIMES. SFIV won't let you backup game saves either....i logged well over 200+hours on it.
  24. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    ok....what 'nas' is that. just a regular pc?
  25. David

    DELL - Delivery times

    they hand build them so it takes a while saying that my new precision got built in 3 days and sent , got here in 6 days altgother. to answer your question, i'd say it's like 5% chance of being on time! =/
  26. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's... ser08 why wouldnt i!
  27. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    hmm thanks mate.
  28. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    a small pc housing 4 drives/silent and on the network...for under 800?
  29. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    never do more than one, EVER. thats perfectmate thank you. any info on the nas's mate?heard of any gooduns/baduns?
  30. David

    5400rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's...

    5900rpm Drives and HD streaming and NAS's... As above really, i'm looking at buying a NAS, prob 4 bay maybe the netgear readynas nv+ or maybe something with storage already in there...