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f**k thats classic. no common sense. it's like why would i break the mouse i bought initally....aarrrgh
where do you use now mike? was thinking of using scan/ebuyer
aluco - figures.
oska - courier collected them> jesus thats unheard of. maybe cause they were big or something. most of the time they expect you to post things back to them.
whats your story? i've used em for years, but sometihng has obviously changed.
get this, i order off them like a lot...'im talking in the region of once a month for the past two years, varying quantities all my pc builds from them etc etc. They ALWAYS hold my orer up with security validation...
I order a razer mamba mouse from them, turns up 5 days late, plug it in, leave it on charge wont charge up... the pins are broken on the charging station... i send it back and they tell me i have to pay for postage to send it back. ok i think doesn't sound too unreasonable - they...
hero all the way, blackberrys are the in phone for kids in playgrounds...and corporate executives who aren't allowed anything else by their IT dept haha
fair play mate, thought we had a noob question issue going on there. Can someone not work this out via the IMEI? Apologies for my post there fella, clearly got it wrong.
sknny - get the 80s mate must be the newer sets with higher ohms - the 250s will need driving.
shadowness - those are very good actually - for what they're supposed to do anyway -, used a set for a couple of weeks on holiday as it goes.
i've got this and its fantastic.$ja=tsid:11518|cc:|prd:9404822|cat:Cinema+Systems
dude, i wrtoe 70ohm in my post!! hahaha
i got my set from dolphin music. they are phenomenal from all sources. Unless you get into headphones requiring a headphone amp you won't get much better for the money.
]note: the 70ohm vresion are more bass heavy than the 80ohms...but with 80ohms are...
having a large number of connections isn't 'that' useful really, i have 20 but i still d/l the same speed as when i had 10.
anyway number of connections is defined in your leeching software. just set it in there and aay you go.
i've tired newsdemon for less than giganews but eventually went...
for the price, like a set of sennheiser 595's (maybe 555's) OR my preference and definite recommendation, BeyerDynamics DT770 (70hm version). Make the competition seem pretty pathetic by comparison.
seriously the newly done uprated grahpics are so good. they've made such a big effort on it. the game looks fantastic and i've only touched GOW1 2nd is better stil i've heard. don't know why no one else is bothered about this, gameplay is brilliant, grapihcs are brilliant, storyline is immense...