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tbh i dont go much for the aaae games the last one i got was gow2 and before that fable2 all i have played in the last year and a bit is cod4 cod5 and fallout3
sony is supposedly loosing exclusivity on most probably its biggest title final fantasy
now that will be a great day as long as its decent lol
secc are in huge trouble financially ms has a huge abundance of cash in comparison they can and will throw cash at what ever they can...
i play with my brother alot on it and we use party chat as its erm private and in full game chat you cant really have a full conversation without lots of gay and **n-bomb** comments and other inane drivel
not surprising but its a shame if they keep loosing money then its going at affect the development of the ps4 id imagine they arnt as cash rich as old bill so cant afford to just loose money all the time
$658 million !! and over all its lost more tham the original xbox did ! now thats surprising,news-4996.html
i broke my wired headset at the weekend so im after a new one but dunno if i should go wired again or wireless or maybe a 3rd party option
so come on peeps lets have the options
ben in every shop in york today who does trade ins and not one has a copy of borderlands on 360 they all had it on the ps3 though :(
can i trade it in online ?