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Search results

  1. D

    hmmm...whats best.?

    DS & Nano
  2. D

    '05 Inferno 182 - Barnsley McDonalds Drive Through - ASDA

    Today about 14:30 BAT FASTARD, that s**t will kill you dead
  3. D

    First Indoor pics with my D40.

    Good pics JJ, you can join the "dafthead school of how to take filthy pussy pics™ anyday!
  4. D

    Nice i just wrote my car off!!!!! Head on with a passat

    At least you're big enough to admit it, if you really mean it. I was the same in my first couple of cars, never had a crash, but many close calls, then you realise it just aint worth it!
  5. D

    Red Pixels across screen

    only so you can cyber-stalk me! :-O Seriously tho, the guys over at know their s**t, if it happens again i'd post in there
  6. D

    Red Pixels across screen

    Take a picture so we can see what you're trying to describe fella
  7. D

    tom tom one help

    Install the TOMTOM Home software from the website
  8. D

    197 fuel consumption...

  9. D

    197 fuel consumption...

    22mpg on the nose :-O jeeez
  10. D

    Recaros Are in the Racing Blue!

    Can't be, she's shaven
  11. D

    Recaros Are in the Racing Blue!

    sexual (and the seats) ;)
  12. D

    "Operation Failed"...

    Maybe that's what you were "abused" with last night? :-P
  13. D

    Digital Camera Repair

    Aint so bad really then!
  14. D

    New TV

    knows! nice telly
  15. D

    What a t**t look what I've given my car for Xmas

    Bad luck mate, what did the mondeo owner say?
  16. D


    I lyk your thinking
  17. D


  18. D

    Digital Camera Repair

    No worries fella. Happy to help
  19. D

    Digital Camera Repair

    Also, these guys are very good apparently:
  20. D

    Digital Camera Repair

    Official canon repair centre ! A.J.Johnstone & Company Limited (Photo - Digital Compacts) 395-399 Central Chambers 93 Hope Street Glasgow G2 6LD Tel: 0141 221 2106 Fax: 0141 221 9166 Web:
  21. D

    Digital Camera Repair

    What kind is it?
  22. D

    Ipod Touch *GB - Rare!

    Taking out 3 years finance on an ipod touch? is he retarded?
  23. D

    Xbox 360 red circle of death

    I think I see him :rolleyes:
  24. D

    sat here on my new itouch

  25. D

    sat here on my new itouch

    Only the best game...ever
  26. D

    Xbox 360 red circle of death

    The towel trick will get it working again in the meantime, but get it back for a repair. The system will have logged the red circle problem in the event log (or whatever it uses in the 360) so MS will fix it for you FOC
  27. D

    tom tom issues...

    Happy Ending on xmas day :D
  28. D

    My old car

    Another vote for the S1 here, they're more classic cars now and not seen as chav cars anymore, as surely any of them in that condition are only owned by enthusiasts. Lovely! P.S. First car looks shoite