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  1. D

    my 1st shop

    Pics of the hidden "talent"?
  2. D

    Sunny Day

    average at best ;)
  3. D

    Wife Doesn't Like Driving the 172

    CooperS will feel slower, in reality there's not much in it, this is purely due to the very linear power delivery of a supercharged unit, there's no "kick" like the cam change on a renault 172/182 engine or like on vtec when it kicks in "yo"
  4. D


    That's the official canon outlet on ebay, very trustworthy! 350D is an excellent first DSLR fella
  5. D

    Laptop Charger getting far too hot

    You can cook eggs on the charger my HP uses
  6. D

    Nicked the one mile idea..

    Loving the spider's web on the signposts!
  7. D

    lens grinding...

    Got a 24-105L myself, hardly ever comes off the camera
  8. D

    Clio 197 or a Corsa VXR

    Personally I wouldn't let the dog drive even if it is "Now and then" They have no opposable thumbs
  9. D

    very simple networking problem

    P.S. You can always get some port splitters to get that extra 9th port!
  10. D

    very simple networking problem

    Daft, not cheeky :D
  11. D

    very simple networking problem

    Haha OK, well theoretically it shouldn't make any difference if the DHCP is turned off as you say, factory reset and try again!?
  12. D

    very simple networking problem

    why not just use a switch for the extra ports? Router is to route packets between different networks
  13. D

    Wide angle shots

    Get both the 10-20 and the 50mm Saying that, I use the 50mm a lot more than the 10-20
  14. D

    Video camera

    OK it's this model Mike with this accessory pack...
  15. D

    Video camera

    I'll have a look tonight, will see what they're going for on t'ebay fella and list spec for you.
  16. D

    Video camera

    Same here, used mine for 2 weddings! haha it's prob been turned on for no more than 3 hours :-O
  17. D

    Public buying trend seems to show that they think Blu-ray is the way forward!

    They went with the player, I only had the 7 free ones in any case
  18. D

    Video camera

    Have got a Sony DVD Handycam that's a couple of years old, used twice! if you're interested Mike?
  19. D

    Public buying trend seems to show that they think Blu-ray is the way forward!

    OK today I decided to sell my Tosh EP-30 until things are sorted out once and for all, decided to do it now rather than have some redundant kit should Blu-Ray come out of this on top, until then I shall watch DVD's on my flaptop
  20. D

    I finally Get it!

    Gold Star for you sir
  21. D

    182 + fog + laser = interesting photos

    One day you'll have your eye out, young man :D Cool pics!
  22. D

    I hate Orange!

    DK PWN3D by orange
  23. D

    Porsche Boxster...

    Hmmm, the website has a page to request info
  24. D

    Nicely modified Golf

    That car makes me want to hurt people
  25. D

    R27 500, has arrived!!!!

    Am liking that, lots!
  26. D

    I copied Ukaskew..

    Look good fella, though shooting into the sun isn't generally a good idea (lens flare)
  27. D

    Canon 50mm f1.8 Mk II £50New FTW

    You mean the kit lens? The kit lens is OK, but the 50mm is in a TOTALLY different league in terms of sharpness, plus the aperature size is significantly lower on the 50mm Yeah there are less lenses in it, fixed lens or "prime" lenses generally offer better quality pictures
  28. D

    Porsche Boxster...

    I just saw my lunch again :S