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  1. D

    The Memories!

    The one on the top pic on the left just looks gay next to the one on the right, like it's on stilts or something haha
  2. D

    Great games you just dont like...?

    GRAW - Thought it was w**k
  3. D

    USMT Failure

    He doesn't deserve a laptop, give him a pen and paper
  4. D

    Microsoft Exam

    Don't just read the books and do the course, get the simulators and some real kit and have a play, that's what I did
  5. D

    Whats your most favourate old school console ever??

    Ermmmm Has to be Mega Drive Had wet dreams over that beast.....mmmmmm 16 bit.....mmmmm
  6. D

    Rainbow Six arrived.

    Definitely, it's much better when you're actually in Vegas
  7. D

    Rainbow Six arrived.

    I'm still at Dante's
  8. D

    360 Achievements

    I thought you only got 5 points for beating clart as it's so piss easy :S
  9. D

    Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion (360)

    I think you have to be a smallllll geek to really enjoy Oblivion I know there are plenty on here who'll disagree though
  10. D

    Elder Scrolls IV : Oblivion (360)

    I sold it before I'd even got out of the dungeon hehe To much pissing about, I like simple games (like R6) :D
  11. D

    Just finished my cosworth series 1 escort!!!!

    Pity you can't do more than 40 in Jersey though eh ;)
  12. D

    I was doodling and found....

    I used to have putty on my Amiga :dead:
  13. D

    182 replica

    Then I'd get a 1.2 and save up for a 182/197 in a few years
  14. D

    Two More XB360 Games Ordered...

    Suppose I was playing it on my 7 year old 21" panachronic, got a lovely 32" widescreen Loewe now :D Might give it another whirl this year
  15. D

    Two More XB360 Games Ordered...

    Maybe I should have given Oblivion more of a chance, played it for 2 hours and then whacked it on fleabay, did my head in with all the feckin spells and s**t
  16. D

    How Good is Rainbow Six Vegas? Opinions...

    I hated GRAW but love R6 :S strange!
  17. D

    Most Exotic Car on forum?

    CooperS_Boy has got a Cayman S
  18. D

    Orange BB sooo slow????

    Nah ours is top notch, we're in a s**t area for BB too
  19. D

    good 360 games

    I got fed up of Dead Rising the day I bought it, sold it on after 4 hours play
  20. D

    IT Professionals, Whats in your tool kit?

    Yeah, but she's got the body of a 50 year old waaa waaa weee waaaa
  21. D

    IT Professionals, Whats in your tool kit?

    I have 2 bitches that do all this shite for me haha
  22. D

    How Good is Rainbow Six Vegas? Opinions...

    It's easy to control your team, you only get two to control and they work together, you can tell them to : - follow you - Hold where they are - Assault mode (baddies only) - Infiltrate mode (hostage situations) - Go to a certain spot - Team up at a door, then you get different room clearing...
  23. D

    How Good is Rainbow Six Vegas? Opinions...

    It's all I'm playing at the mo and I've got GoW, PGR3, CoD3 & Splinter Cell DA Speaks volumes
  24. D

    lambo doored golf tdi - WHY

    No thanks mate, this Golf's the shizzle, gonna keep it a couple more years yet :D
  25. D

    lambo doored golf tdi - WHY

    I've got an X reg 115 Tdi chipped to 135, full leather interior, 17"s etc and 65K on the clock and it's only worth around £5,000 Hell knows how he thinks it's worth that much
  26. D

    Stolen & Burnt Out 182

    Tis true, my bro was in CID, happens all the time, they'll do a robbery then abandon the car and burn it out to destroy dna evidence/fibres etc
  27. D

    Stolen & Burnt Out 182

    They steal them to commit a crime, then burn them out to destroy evidence
  28. D

    Dug out some old pics

    With "Dan" and "Sharon" just underneath?
  29. D

    gears of war a tad short

    You must have been putting some serious time in on it mate, I've not finished it yet and have had it a couple of months, admittedly I've got too many games to play at the mo so I'm not getting much time on it but still!! :eek: