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so you changed explorer.exe and then title your post "windows is pissing you off" ? shouldn't it be, "i've fucked my computer - nothing to do with windows it's me, i'm sorry"
anyway, i would recommend going to start menu > run > type in sfc /scannow that should solve it.
Where are you getting all your 'facts' from guys? I've been lead to believe its in fact HD-DVD which has the most backing from the studios not blu-ray.
Personally i think HD-DVD will win, but i read a really good article on all the different scenarios that might come about during the format...
not my cuppa tea, but i'd be interested in seeing what the pics are like of the camera, looks like camera's are going to be obsolete pretty soon by those standards and such quick advances..
i know you can get the black housing from a few places for like £200 odd....
what do you teo actually think of the new dented look? i'm not sure if i like it. i believe the menu system is slightly better and the battery is a bit improved. mine is pretty scratched on the rear... prob could...
What do people think? i've got an 8800 and am thinking of upgrading to this...
The limited edition 8800 Sirocco Edition. 2MP Camera and 128 memory. Not sure if i think it's a nicer looking phone though... quite like it in black.,,96401,00.html
to be honest without looking around, thats a good spec for the money, mayb u could save on it not getting the monitor etc, but that would be plenty fast for you for a long time to come
i'll get flamed for this but after testing vista rc1 in a network enviroment on 'vista compatable' dell laptops. Vista will easily briidge the gap for people who want both and easy to usse and pretty exactly the same format as they're used to. It reall is very good and has all the stupid...
GUYs watch the new warhammer game intro : Mark of chaos... it's like the dawn of war one, but better! really good.
My fav from old would have to be the origianl half life intro or DOW
i disagree actually i'm with orange and they#ve given me the best customer experience ive ever had and i've been with pretty much all the networks. now i do live in london which may explain why i have good network coverage but in general, they're cheaper than a lot of other networks (the newer...
for someone so obsessed with decent framerates and graphics quality, isn't it a bit of a joke that you bought a dell screen? or maybe i'm missing something here
i have completed loads actually, i used to really love the endings for the original command and conquer, ah i loved that game, recently completed prey which was poo ending. HL2 ending was ok
superweapons general - so bias. i mean what chance do you have against EMP. and don't underestimate china either.... infantry general can knock your socks off!