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  1. Scott™

    Vee in the lakes yesterday

    Very nice sir.
  2. Scott™

    Anthracite or carbon?

    I would either colour code spray to the same as the car colour. If not that then wrap.
  3. Scott™

    Anthracite or carbon?

    Proper carbon or go home.
  4. Scott™

    RS tune - Fast chip site - cant find maps listed???

    No it should be 87 euro reprog key 58 euro 98 Ron 29 euro
  5. Scott™

    RS tune - Fast chip site - cant find maps listed???

    Yes you add the reprog licence to your basket but before that you choose the one for your ECU. I assume you have a 182, so you select Siemens sirus********** -40 this then knocks 40 euro off the licence price.
  6. Scott™

    RS tune - Fast chip site - cant find maps listed???

    I've told you that you buy a licence and a map. What Map do you want?
  7. Scott™

    RS tune - Fast chip site - cant find maps listed???

    Follow this guide.
  8. Scott™

    RS tune - Fast chip site - cant find maps listed???

    Is your RS Tuner second hand? If so you need a licence. Yes you need a map unless you want to use it solely for diagnostics.
  9. Scott™

    Harphamominom's Ph1 Project - sunflower content p12 onwards

    Lovely mate. Any links to the pads and cutting compounds you use? I need some.
  10. Scott™

    Black Mountains meet + drive

    Jaff thinking he's the main man. You can see why I gave up Matt. If you fancy a burn in the 200 I'm still up for coming. Get some nice pictures.
  11. Scott™

    just bought a rs tuner

    If any of you look he is based in the Philippines GMT + 7
  12. Scott™

    One for the sprayers...

    Ok chaps thank you. I was looking at making a couple up and maybe selling them on, hence why I want to get the best finish possible. Polishing isn't an issue but my spaying know how is non existent!
  13. Scott™

    One for the sprayers...

    Thanks for the input mate. Would I be able to Laqur over the finished metal to retain its shine then? I didn't think that was possible.
  14. Scott™

    One for the sprayers...

    I plan on polishing my inlet manifold, no problem. I also plan on part spraying it. How do I mask off without getting a raised lines between polished metal and paint... And to prevent future paint peal? Any input on bathe spraying side is welcome.
  15. Scott™

    My Cup

    Great little track car that.
  16. Scott™

    Black & Blue

    Lovely 200.
  17. Scott™

    photos of my 182

    Not a fan but nice to see something different.
  18. Scott™

    Harphamominom's Ph1 Project - sunflower content p12 onwards

    s**t box. Looks nice :).
  19. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Its a difficult question as I don't like using my ten stop. I would of gone for a grad filter on the sky, F5 for clarity through the whole image with the sigma 10-20. But I like the rushing tide effect so maybe a slower shutter and catch the tide rushing in.
  20. Scott™

    Boffey’s AG Clio 200 Photos

    Nice. Colour is a bit off mind.
  21. Scott™

    The Simpson Tapped Out

    I have over 100 for anyone to swap?
  22. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    If you struggle with a poor sky try a lower aperture to give a star burst effect.
  23. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Yes agree it is lovely.
  24. Scott™

    Clio Trophy & Cup Drive out

    Lovely cars.
  25. Scott™

    Bank Holiday Cup

    Very nice mate.
  26. Scott™

    The Simpson Tapped Out

    How the fap do you get so many eggs?
  27. Scott™

    The Simpson Tapped Out

    Just added you mate.
  28. Scott™

    BG 182 Full Fat Summer prep

    Garage door reflection? Lol.