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Search results

  1. C


    have you got a link to the sidelights. i'm after some blue tinted ones
  2. C

    finishing touches to the white 172 :)

    that is so nice
  3. C

    Gotta love Black!

    i'd do the diamonds in silver . love it though
  4. C

    Dodo Lime Prime

    yeah I got some. really rate it
  5. C

    affordable detailer in north yorkshire

    there is a lad on here who does it and is based on cold bath road in harrogate. can't remember his name. will dig around
  6. C

    Italian appreciation thread..

    i had no idea what it was and took a guess it might be italian. lol oh well
  7. C

    osram nightbreakers PLUS and sidelights

    i just wanted a hint of blue and a lot whiter. they really are not much whiter.
  8. C

    osram nightbreakers PLUS and sidelights

    got a standard zs and wanted to upgrade my lightbulbs. Wanted whiter with a hint of blue. Read reviews and all that and bought these lights and sidelights I can safely say they are...