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  1. C

    Insurance when not my fault

    Feeling quite gutted at the moment as some women has gone into the back of me while my car was parked. I came to my car after work and my car has dented bumper and boot and it went into the car infront and my grill, bumper and i think bonnet are damaged!!!! Anyway the persons car that was...
  2. C

    Usual clean Ph1 pictures

    dont normally like f1's but those look really good.
  3. C

    197 Wheel Refurb Colour?

    black all day long.
  4. C

    Oh Hai...Im Back !

    very nice. really want one for my next car. how much is a stage 2 ?
  5. C

    172 CUP: Cleaned, Mapped and Dyno'd

    perfect example. you got some good power out of that
  6. C

    Rear shock

    One of my rear shocks is leaking and needs replacing. Any ideas how much one costs to replace?
  7. C

    Coilovers...eastern european cleaning power...pic-taking.....

    love it. i'd remove the stickers and have the wing mirrors colour coded though
  8. C


    wow that looks amazing
  9. C

    SRP and EGP ftl...

    thats black for you.
  10. C

    Few pics of the ph1 172 in the sun

    nice. did you get this off a guy who was on here?
  11. C

    172 cup parliament street harrogate

    you were at traffic lights at the bottom. had black turinis and what looked like 172 xenons. anyone on here
  12. C

    New Evo pics...

    that is one nice evo. How many have you had now?
  13. C

    liquid yellow 200 detail (not mine)

    sorry it's not me who detailied it either lol just found it on DW
  14. C

    liquid yellow 200 detail (not mine)

    anyones on here? was on detailing world. I still dont like the front Renault Clio Sport 200- Purchased in December and booked in for a new car protection detail, my 3rd one of these now and starting to grow rather fond of the shape and styling. Being garaged it was in a pretty...
  15. C

    New car and new Rear badge content :)

    very nice. how come you sold the meg ?
  16. C

    silver phase 1 172 shipley area

    had black wheels and was very low. drove past me near a college around shipley.
  17. C

    OMG...awesome vid

    FAIL :dapprove: lol - tried embedding
  18. C

    Few pics of my LY R26 :)

    exact car with mods i want as my next car.
  19. C

    Mini's Farewell Shoot

    thats real nice. how come you selling? Getting a new car?