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LOL Yup ur right GCSE science all the way lol but hybrid hummmm.....i like the way u think lol i wasn't tlkin everyday run of the mill car lol it's a concept not a practical solution lol
humm heres a thought wat if u linked up the induction to say a divers oxygen tank putin out 100% oxygen would it make the car run smoother wat would be the effect or u could have a forced mix of N2O and O2 pure none of this pulled from the atmosphere s**t
Is it still up on the trolley jack cos f**k me it looks like it's on stilts!!!!! if it's not needs slamming then will look ace!!! O yea do lime green and do the trim the same would look quality!
Yay im normal peeps take the piss outta me cos my car is always so clean, yep have also been known to have done it 3 times in one week :o lol now atleast once if not twice with full wax and hover every 2 weeks and clay every month:rasp: I have an OCD and Proud, lets face it you could have a lot...
well i fing jonny boy is trying to show us something :rolleyes: but in his infinite wisdom he posted a thread b4 he uploaded the pics to the net LOL :rasp: School Boy Error
This is me new gril collected from SMC renault in Weybridge today:approve: im well happy, lot nicer than the old well i fink anyways hope u like opinions please...... took bout 30 mins to fit with no previous experience didn't even need to remove the bumper (a couple of tricky clips to get to...
^^thats illegal as all cars come out of the factory with 70% on the windows^^ lol didn't stop me :rasp: it mite soon tho when i get caught an then ill be :dead::(:cry:
Here u go ILLEGAL OR SO IM LED TO BELIEVE BUT YET TO BE STOPPED!! now ive said that my nxt trip out i willl be it's medium on the front two (35%) and dark smoke on the back (25%), it's well not that dark in real life tho!! it seems to ave come out darker in the pics