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  1. Matt_Pleece

    How did the clio change from 2003 to 2004?

    Why have i got all of those changes on my 04 dynamique ^^ apart from the different engine, mines on an 04 plate but it's got the older engine????
  2. Matt_Pleece

    Have a look at these mad rally cars/hybrids

    Silver visions and it'll look the nuts
  3. Matt_Pleece

    How much would I save 2.0-1.2

    ^^ it's gone up thanks to Mr G. Brown now £115 for the year
  4. Matt_Pleece

    How much would I save 2.0-1.2

    servicing costs, intervels of 18K are real nice
  5. Matt_Pleece

    Free Excel Training?!? came accross this while look for MS Access Coursework lol
  6. Matt_Pleece

    Clean for my car anyways!

    Yummy Mummy......I Like
  7. Matt_Pleece

    Wheel Refurb>>>>

    Hummmm Spit 'n' Polish are meant to be the doggs aparently
  8. Matt_Pleece

    What a lovely day for a wash - Few pics

    ^^ Top Motor, Not related to a Steve Kerslake, works in SMC Weybridge Surrey?????
  9. Matt_Pleece

    Todays cleaning session ready for tomorrows meet! [Picture Whorage!!]

    LOL Thought You Had run over your cats tail in that pic HAHA, Looks the doggs mate get it colour coded and ur set
  10. Matt_Pleece

    Window Tinting In Surrey????

    anyone who knows anyone PM me numbers if poss, need a good price please. Thank You. Matt.
  11. Matt_Pleece

    wanted pics of sprayed badges

    There's No Doubtin Middo Is Good At What He Does
  12. Matt_Pleece

    drop it like its hot!

    ^^ Cars Looks rele nice matey, very smart indeed
  13. Matt_Pleece

    Sticking With The 1.2

    ^^ I've just done the same matey good choice, sensible choice! well done:approve:
  14. Matt_Pleece

    Which tyres did Renault supply...

    ^^ I had Michelin Energy's 185/55/15
  15. Matt_Pleece

    is this legal?

    ^^^ It's not your driving mate it the others doesn't matter how safe you are thers always some t**t out ther that seems to want to bin it into your car. trust me, my car has the scars to prove, doesn't matter if you caused it or not, MAKE SURE YOU ARE INSURED you'll be damn glad to have it...
  16. Matt_Pleece

    Renault F1 Team decals on 182

    ^^ not a great fan of stickers but i do like!...quite a lot
  17. Matt_Pleece

    Any own with a 172's dad own a farm ???

    Is it me or is this just a rele random thread??? lacking a point..wats it all about?
  18. Matt_Pleece

    chopped suspension springs...

    I heard it was rele dangerous cos they go flying accross the work shop due to the elastic energy inside or summit meh just do it and tell us if it hurts. What brisa4984 says makes more sense tho!
  19. Matt_Pleece

    C.slicker (Click Here)

  20. Matt_Pleece

    C.slicker (Click Here)

    pic of stuff you want can you check it over:
  21. Matt_Pleece

    04 plate black 182 A3/Weybridge !!

    LOL he lives around the corner from my GF and Pootle (chair women) only realised this the other weekend when round my GF's house theres that black 182 at the top of pootles road and Pootles own silver 172 and a Blue 182 Cup i see around that way with a blonde not bad lookin bird drivin' it.
  22. Matt_Pleece

    Latest... erm... "mod"

    Get it sprayed would look MINT lol get racing stripes on the racing blue one aswell
  23. Matt_Pleece

    172 Spolier NON-CUP

    ^^ Legend Thank you very much
  24. Matt_Pleece

    Sniffpetrol Clio Advert

    ^^^ LOL at the fact thats not even a clio bonnet.
  25. Matt_Pleece

    172 Spolier NON-CUP

  26. Matt_Pleece

    172 Spolier NON-CUP

    How to remove???? and how to get the rear seats out??? if anyone knows this would rele help me,. Regards Matt
  27. Matt_Pleece

    T-Mobile Good or Bad?

    T-mobile coverage is good i'd say, 3G coverage unkonwn. Some of their deals are ok; but threaten o2 with what ur gunna leave them for and see what they offer you. Nothing to lose and everything to gain.