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  1. Matt_Pleece

    Radio Code Please Help!!

    Its on a sticker in your in your log book
  2. Matt_Pleece

    cool bumper

    Got a lot of snow in your area? ;)
  3. Matt_Pleece

    Brakelights Stuck on!!

    WOOO thanks matey that exactly what i had done tis all fixed now ! Thankx everyone.:approve:
  4. Matt_Pleece

    Brakelights Stuck on!!

    it's all three that are stuck on incase anyone is wondering
  5. Matt_Pleece

    Brakelights Stuck on!!

    guessing it could be the switch??? any ideas is this something i could fix?:(
  6. Matt_Pleece

    Frigging Insurance Comapanies! - Advice Welcome.

    I refused my first offer when i was in a crash, it went from £4300 to £4675. Don't let them get away with it. Good luck. keep all recipts if she has to hire a car in the mean time.
  7. Matt_Pleece

    must see 197 art (photos) :)

    One Question.......How? pic 5 is amazing
  8. Matt_Pleece

    New Headunit...

    CHRIST ON A BIKE!!! it's £260 quid bugger that
  9. Matt_Pleece

    New Headunit...

    fek me sideways bet that was expensive!
  10. Matt_Pleece

    legal tinting

    rear = dark as you like. In the eyes of the law you can't touch the front drivers, front passenger side or windscreen.
  11. Matt_Pleece

    Adverage Insurance Quotes

    Car : 1.2 16V Insurer :Tesco Cover Type :Comprehensive Local Area: Surrey Age :18 Garaged: Driveway Points / Convictions :N/A No Cliams: 0 Modifications :N/A Price: £1800 (With 'Pass Plus' discount on own policy)
  12. Matt_Pleece

    my 1st car..

    I'd Thought i've seen that on here b4, well done matey a lot of work went into that one. Nice to see it still in the club!
  13. Matt_Pleece

    What engine is this!!?? VIN's wrong!!

    It's the newer style 1.2 16v in later models changed ova in late 04/54 plates
  14. Matt_Pleece

    My H-Reg Valver in White

    Bit of a minter ther!
  15. Matt_Pleece

    opinions on Eibach Sportlines?

    Rob i hate you i saw ur car in the car park the other day and the rear was sitting at the perfect height.... then i looked back at my tractor:dapprove:
  16. Matt_Pleece

    From Dynamique to Sport... (56k nonononono)

    possibly a bit lower it's the ride height that would give it away to the trained eye otherwise and epic effort lots of money went into that looks spanking
  17. Matt_Pleece

    VTS wheels on my dynamique

    Wat's it got to do with the Pussy Cat Dolls??? :rasp:
  18. Matt_Pleece

    Clio 182 Replica

  19. Matt_Pleece

    Wow, What A Selection (PICS)

    Gotta be private collection. Garages move cars like them around in sealed lorries usually i know HWM Aston Martin near me do
  20. Matt_Pleece

    How it should of left the factory

    erm the stearing wheel insert needs doing and so does the gear knob insert they look a bit out of place otherwise although a vast improvement on stock. Good Work.
  21. Matt_Pleece

    Supercharged V6

  22. Matt_Pleece

    cheapest place for

    Expensive, I did well with Tesco tho.
  23. Matt_Pleece

    A Teaser ...

    Rich Is that yours?
  24. Matt_Pleece


    Erm i did not want it to do that sorry ^^^^^^^...only clicked it once FFS
  25. Matt_Pleece


    You Had An Accident Your. Your Dad Made A Claim On His Policy. Yopu Have Zero no-claims and your Dad will have zero no-cliams unless it was protected.
  26. Matt_Pleece


    You Had An Accident. Your Dad Made A Claim On His Policy. You Have Zero no-claims and your Dad will have zero no-cliams unless it was protected.
  27. Matt_Pleece

    williams 172?

    Wash Your Mouth Out!
  28. Matt_Pleece

    Lusty I Think..

    The boy knows nothing:rolleyes:
  29. Matt_Pleece

    Mods so like?

    I'm tHE FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!woooooooow
  30. Matt_Pleece

    TT 4sale if ur a gippo

    ^^ thats wat i thort???