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  1. C

    points on licence

    Oh right they dont just do it, you have to. Does that cost?
  2. C

    points on licence

    Just got 3 points :( When i get my licence back it'll have the points on and I know they stay on for 4 years but do you keep the paper which will say i had the points 4 years ago forever or do they send another one all clean. Sorry if that doesnt make sense
  3. C

    Industrial Ph 1.5

    loving that! Wheels and height suit perfectly
  4. C

    My Flamer in the Car Park.

    very jealous
  5. C

    People with JUST a BMC induction kit

    I've not found any power loss since fitting
  6. C

    Detailing Spray

    would you say the finishkare is as good as britemax
  7. C

    Detailing Spray

    Been using britemax for a while and really like it but its running out and wondered if there is anything else anyone rates as good or better?
  8. C

    Modifying cars to a high standard then selling them on straight after..

    I much prefer to buy a car with as many mods of my taste done to it as I can never afford to do them otherwise.
  9. C

    197 RR Results

    Sorry to sound thick but is testing it on a rolling road the same as a dyno or are they different?
  10. C

    These springs from Ktec?

    Didnt realise they were apex. I think I'll forget it then lol
  11. C

    These springs from Ktec?

    Any one had these on? Do they lower a bit more than sportlines? Thought of getting sportlines but i find they lower more at the front and the back doesnt drop much which i dont like. Do these drop evenly and a bit more?
  12. C

    Do i clean it all again?

    i only ever use polish 2/3 times a year
  13. C

    Superb looking white cars?

    a few that have been posted on various threads. Have to say i do like white.
  14. C


    my bad. You cant get logo on classic?
  15. C


    Whats the difference between the classic and the deluxe matt as the deluxe one is £17 more
  16. C

    a quick pic on the schmidts :D

    got any more pics
  17. C

    custom made air relocation

    Whats the small box ontop of battery? engine bay looks very nice!
  18. C

    Back to black

    autoglym bumper care works a treat. lasts a good month on mine
  19. C

    200 please...

    cant believe Xenons are'nt an option on 200's! Always a must have option imo
  20. C

    FAO people who have owned both 1*2 and 197/200's!

    Re: FAO who have owned both 1*2 and 197/200's! whats a remap like on the 197's/r27? is it the same feel as remapping 172/182 or do you feel a bit more power
  21. C

    FAO people who have owned both 1*2 and 197/200's!

    Re: FAO who have owned both 1*2 and 197/200's! I'm thinking of going to a 197/r27 but the only thing thats putting me off is the fact it will feel less raw and quick as my 172.
  22. C

    Z4MC Pics

    that is amazing. The CSL wheels are loads better!!!
  23. C

    clean rb

    ye dont paint them blue leave them silver. car looks perfect as is.
  24. C

    remap insurance

    Rang my insurance company to see how much theyd charge to declare a remap and they said £70. Do you think that's a lot?
  25. C

    Midland Breakfast car meet (pic heavy)

    Every time i see a white 200 i like them more n more
  26. C

    A few pics with the cows, part 2

    awsome! I think the phase 1 should get a phase 2 rear bumper though. just my thought
  27. C

    Matlock Meet Pics:

    orange ftw! look awsome
  28. C

    matching inlets!

    how much for matching inlets?