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  1. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    LOL love 50k+ rounds :p
  2. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Yup I can vouch for this. I'be been promoted mid game before and it freeze.
  3. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    So some star pictures from me. More experimental than anything. I wanted to see how the camera could cope with Noise and shunted the ISO up to 3200 to try and bring out the Milky way. I had some weird green lines which I assume is the camera. I'm not too concerned as I will be upgrading soon...
  4. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    I was in your game prior. We got pwned!
  5. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    You on now mate? Might join you. I know what you mean. If I play 500% games and they last forever then I get game freeze and have to restart everything.
  6. Scott™

    ClioSport Saturday 2013

    5 and a half hours each way for me. Too far.
  7. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Nice shots Piers.
  8. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Love metro 500% CQ. Dropped in on a game with Scutch last night. Was good fun.
  9. Scott™

    Invisible drive through.

    The first is good but the second is brilliant/!!
  10. Scott™

    Cardiff Bay Meet 3rd February

    Re: Cardiff Bay Meet 2nd February I could bring the log burner. Also Matt you have to pay in the red dragon centre dude.
  11. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Are you for real? Armoured Kill is the best add on going. Infact all I play now is armoured shield. Mint for sniping, tanks, choppers or infantry.
  12. Scott™

    Trigger Trap

    It's used when shooting time lapse. You set the initial exposure then as it gets lighter/darker bulb ramping increases/decreases the exposure over time by what ever increment you choose to avoid flicker.
  13. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    The beach is perfect the picture is far from it :)
  14. Scott™

    Trigger Trap

    Anyone got it? It's an app available for your iPhone. I saw it mentioned by a Pro I follow on twitter. Downloaded it free of charge. You can use it in conjunction with your iPhone, iPad etc. You can also connect it to your camera via cable which you buy for about £9.99. You then have the use...
  15. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Pembrokeshire Sunset by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  16. Scott™

    Photography Chat and Questions Thread

    Brazo is your man. He showed me the light. Although he is hard to please :P
  17. Scott™

    Photography Chat and Questions Thread

    Why such high aperture?
  18. Scott™

    Girl in a Clio 182 Trophy Egham

    Does it have s**t black wheels? If so its Neef I believe.
  19. Scott™

    iPhone 5.

    As far as I'm aware £6.99 for an app that controls your tv, ya know like a remote that comes free with the tv?
  20. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    VXR Front by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  21. Scott™

    Photography Chat and Questions Thread

    Does anyone own the Nikon D600 or used one? review/thoughts?
  22. Scott™

    BG 182

    Nice any other plans?
  23. Scott™

    Project stealth weapon

    Nice. Sitting on spacers and that would look ace. Sprint spoiler > cup.
  24. Scott™

    Photography Chat and Questions Thread

    You set the camera in bracketing mode. You set the exposure then the camera will take your picture, then one over exposed and one under exposed.
  25. Scott™

    Photography Chat and Questions Thread

    This weather has been so crap. I'm experimenting on time lapse whilst saving like mad for either the d600 or d800. We shall see.
  26. Scott™

    iPhone 5.

    Good spot, but why only now has this issue started? I've turned it off now with reschedule on and it's gone.
  27. Scott™

    iPhone 5.

    Ok slight issue weigh the iPhone. My do not disturb function is on and set between 12am and 6am. Problem is that it's on now? :/ and won't go off unless I turn off do not disturb? I haven't check the thread as I'm on lunch with s**t signal.
  28. Scott™

    DSLR Camera Slider

    Yea I'm not really down for making one. Making the time lapse is hard enough, let alone making the gear to do it. Hence I'm prepared to pay a bit of money for one.