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ive found a fair few really smart looking 182's that im after, but i really want the half leather seats, and a few of the ones im thinking of going to look at havent got these in. im just wondering how much will i be looking at to get a full set of the half leathers and will any lights come on...
is this anybodys on here? i have tried to search the plate but cant find anything? i would be interested in it
Yeah mate a dealer took me out in one but didn't give it any beans because it was a dealer and stuff. Drop me a text when your free mate would be much appreciated !
Alright buddy, didn't manage to go and see it as can't get the money untill my car is sold and I think it's gone now. I'm still looking and I'm gonna keep looking so I have ones I can go look at as soon as I sell mine! Did you just go past me btw by safari park?
ive only been to a couple of the meets, its a bit embarressing to go in my car atm i just go for the look around.
and cheers for the info, i need to sell my car ASAP then, how much louder than the milltek are they?
i read on a thread somewhere to go to fred, got his number saved in my phone ready but then i read that hes moved to australia or something like that? i see that you live in worcester do you go to the twotwenty meets?
I know this has probably been covered previously but im new to the forum (ignore the joined in 2012 on my profile i joined but never came on).
anyway my first upgrade when i buy a 182 (within the next month) will be a de catted exhaust system.
i was all set and ready to get a milltek but then...
Hi all, just became a proper member and i dont actually own a clio yet! (ones coming within the next 2 months dont panic ;) )
just thought i would say hello :)