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  1. trailerparktrev

    182 FF or basic ish 197?

    Russ182 - You mean you're not on a Cliosport salary of around 350k PA??
  2. trailerparktrev

    182 FF or basic ish 197?

    Am in agreement with you there Warren - That's why i waited and got the R27. It always pays to wait when Renault introduce a new car. I would say Renault have got their act together for the release of the Renaultsport Twingo as this will have both options available from the start.
  3. trailerparktrev

    182 FF or basic ish 197?

    Have to admit I am in agreement on how dated the 182 now looks compared to the 197 - The 182 is a fantastic car (I owned one for 2 and a half years) but for an extra grand then you'd be a fool not to go for the 197.
  4. trailerparktrev

    Don't Understand Renault's Thinking

    Peter what's the outside of missus' car like? Let's see some photos.
  5. trailerparktrev

    Please Guys a bit of help with the better half here will be briliiant!!!!!!!

    Looks like you should've just kept your 197. Sounds like you're spunking all the money you got from the sale getting your 172 up to scratch. That's probably why she is pissed off.
  6. trailerparktrev

    what did you pay for your 197?

    I got £27,500 trade in for my 2 and a half year old 182 Cup and Martins, Basingstoke paid me £47,000 for me to drive a Clio off their forecourt. Naturally this is a Cliosport deal.
  7. trailerparktrev

    Quick Question.(182 related)

    Yeh it'll fit, as the existing system will be chopped in half - It'll be easier with the rear seat base taken out.
  8. trailerparktrev


    Go to the next level - The R27 ;)
  9. trailerparktrev

    Racing Blue's new liquid yellow R26!

    Looks superb! Glad you got the car with no problems.
  10. trailerparktrev


  11. trailerparktrev

    finally picked her up! (minus my extra's)

    Bleedin' WELL TASTY
  12. trailerparktrev

  13. trailerparktrev

    Few pics of my Nimbus 197 with black speedlines

    Anyone have a pic of the standard Clio3 rear spoiler?
  14. trailerparktrev

    Trophy + Supernatural + car park = :)

    So why don't you put the old style Renaultsport badge back on?? ;)
  15. trailerparktrev

    Will be picking myself up a bargain in the next few days.

    Thought I bring this one back from the dead - more of an update really. Six months hassle free motoring out of it. But the R27 was just too tempting, sat there in front of me when I'd leave my flat for work in the morning, so it had only done a couple of thousand miles since January. Anyway...
  16. trailerparktrev

    Ph-duck begins...

    I think the 1.2, DCi badge thing used to work well on the Clio2, as to the unknowing eye all Clio2s look near enough the same to Joe Public. ie they think the car is a 1.2 with a spoiler on. But the Clio3 197 is, shall we say a little more substantial looking than the rest of the range - I...
  17. trailerparktrev

    Some clean 197 pics

    Sexy. Just get those wheels done in anthracite.
  18. trailerparktrev

    Buying a plate from the DVLA

    I've always fancied getting a private plate - but what's always put me off is the pratting about when you have to transfer the plate.
  19. trailerparktrev

    ITG Replacement Panel Filter for 197

    Merlin Motorsport at Castle Coombe.
  20. trailerparktrev

    Anyone race with a 306gti-6?

    RichCup is the man to ask about 306s in comparison to a 172.
  21. trailerparktrev


    Yeh amazing run to Arundel this evening, even better coming back (less traffic).
  22. trailerparktrev


    My R27 was well on form tonight. Truly awesome car.
  23. trailerparktrev

    help buying a mk3

    Try and get a Dynamique SX 1.2TCE - Try and find one used. They look good, turbo charged engine and cheap to insure.
  24. trailerparktrev

    My 182 is gone :-(

    What dealer are you picking it up from?
  25. trailerparktrev

    R26, R27 or Trophy?

    Cos you own one??? ;)
  26. trailerparktrev

    R26, R27 or Trophy?

    R27 - But I would say that.
  27. trailerparktrev

    some c**t hit my car...

    Pisser mate. Some c**t scratched up the nearside front wing of my R27 two weeks ago - It ain't nice when you see the damage for the first time.
  28. trailerparktrev

    Whats the most you've ever brought a dealer down by...

    4k off the list price of my R27.
  29. trailerparktrev

    taking delivery of the 197

    Only 197s that come with a jack standard are non-cup packed 197s. You should have foam - mine's under the passenger Recaro. I bet the two tins of foam got lifted before you bought the car.