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  1. J


    Well ? VF1AH05....
  2. J

    Airbag Warning Light

    The airbags have a two volume levels to inflate to. The volume is determined by the force of the impact - nothing to do with the weight of the occupants
  3. J


  4. J

    valver with air con

    God ? No just Saddo, who remembers these things
  5. J

    valver with air con

    It wasnt offered in the UK
  6. J

    1.6 Billabong

    No the Dynamique now has CD. The Billabong is the same price as the Metallic Paint option so its really if you prefer the interior colour over the Dynamique. Cyclone Blue looks nice on it
  7. J

    UK Car Warranty

    3 years or 60,000, whichever comes first
  8. J

    Clio Cup tracking

    The wheel alignment settings for the Cup are 0 degrees =/- 10 minutes or 0mm +/- 1.2mm
  9. J

    New Raffle

    Ive posted the tickets today. Enjoy !
  10. J

    Is this clio 16v or 8v

    All the Grandes were 8v
  11. J

    Your 1st service - when and where

    Sorry, its not the case. The 3 year warranty is conditional on Renault Dealer servicing
  12. J

    Your 1st service - when and where

    And its a condition of the warranty
  13. J

    Your 1st service - when and where

    Its at 12,000 miles for the 172
  14. J

    Cup with Climate Control Official

    Ive got a 172 and a Cup, Im very happy......
  15. J

    Cup Front Splitter - Again !!!!!!!

    It will show if it ever was fitted as there will be screw holes in the underside of the front bumper
  16. J

    Cup with Climate Control Official

    Not quite true in Evo on the sales front. 172 is currently selling more than Cup
  17. J

    Test drive a V6 - Where

    The first month of build is July. Im surprised Floyd didnt know, he phones me every week !
  18. J

    Test drive a V6 - Where

    Later this year Dealers some will have Demonstrators. Those who dont will have access to a central pool that we will have.
  19. J

    Cup with Climate Control Official

    Philip I agree with you. Sadly, Rome wasnt built in a day. The climate control option has been opened simply because other countries have asked for it and therefore Ive opened the option in the UK. I think the take up will be very low as if you really want a/c, you might as well spend the...