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  1. Scott™

    5th 1*2

    Nice. Looks in good condition.
  2. Scott™

    My Trophy

    Nice to see a fresh clean Trophy. Nice one.
  3. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Thank you for introducing me to Rush lads. I kind of like it. But I do think I prefer conquest as I just didn't know the maps on rush. I think I should be on again tonight.
  4. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Nice shots Dan and Brazo. Going to Cardiff soon. Can't wait to get some night shots of the bay!
  5. Scott™

    Abandoned WW2 Mine servicing centre. Pic heavy.

    Cheers guys. You really should. Not only is it interesting, you get a buzz from it I guess. Although I was alone on the huge site. Cheers mate.
  6. Scott™

    Original grey GameBoy.

    How much? I remember mine lol.
  7. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    Oh hai? x
  8. Scott™

    [PC/PS3/XB360] Battlefield 3 Official Thread

    What time sweet?
  9. Scott™

    New soon to be raider owner

    Wowee. Looks amazing.
  10. Scott™

    Kieran's Now Odyssey Blue Ph1 Project Pg.36 Onwards

    Re: Kieran's Iceberg 172 Project Can't believe I haven't posted in here. Nice car mate. Love it.
  11. Scott™


    Almost as funny as Stephie :rasp:
  12. Scott™

    New alloys! :)

    Every time I see black and chrome wheels I just think cheap... Sorry.
  13. Scott™


    What's limited addition about your car? Welcome to the club.
  14. Scott™

    Surrey Rolling Road Day 2012 Pics - Contains Fail

    Some nice cars and good results. Some sheds also lol.
  15. Scott™

    Center caps on turbines

    I actually don't mind that. No idea what that last picture is though.
  16. Scott™

    My most viewed photo on Flickr yesterday.........

    Mine with 68 Star Nimbus by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  17. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    MF? That is good for night photography. With AF you will struggle to focus. When light painting the back ground isn't important as your lighting the car. So the darkest place you can find, the better. Get some one to light the car for you whilst you MF.
  18. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Spotted your problem straight away. Your not letting enough light into the camera. The exif for mine was 30 second exposure f2.8 ISO 400. Although I had the shutter open for 30 seconds I didn't light the car for that time. Try those settings and let me know how you get on mate. Just make sure...
  19. Scott™

    Audi A1 S-Line Pics

    Very nice cars :)
  20. Scott™

    Abandoned WW2 Mine servicing centre. Pic heavy.

    I think there were tunnels and bunkers yes from what I've heard. Sadly it was getting dark when I arrived and being on my own, maybe I didn't stay as long as I'd like to look around. I defo enjoyed it thats the main thing.
  21. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Hi mate can you post the exit to your light painting image.
  22. Scott™

    Abandoned WW2 Mine servicing centre. Pic heavy.

    I wanted to mate. But it's all fenced off.
  23. Scott™

    Abandoned WW2 Mine servicing centre. Pic heavy.

    So today I set off to try my hand at Urban photography, something i had never done before and after being inspired by Derelict-UK and his wonderful history in photos I thought i'd have ago myself. Below is the history of the site. Please please read it. The Naval Armaments depot at Milford...
  24. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Yes indeed. 30 second exposure f2.8 Focal length 32mm
  25. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Yes mate. Shot in RAW so you can adjust the temp otherwise it's a tad too blue.
  26. Scott™

    My 197 Star Trail....

    Went out for some more trails last night. Sadly there must of been a strong wind high up as the clouds appeared from no where. Still pretty pleased with this one though. Star Nimbus by scott.thomas21, on Flickr