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  1. Scott™

    January Photography Competition - Voting Thread

    Agree with above but for me it doesn't fit 'Street' That is why I went for number 11. Lighting is superb and great DOF.
  2. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Love that Andy. I really need to get myself a fish eye.
  3. Scott™


  4. Scott™

    April Cardiff Meet. Date TBC.

    Hi guys. Looking to get things nice and organised. So I know we have the meet in the Brecons in March, I'd also like one in Cardiff. Plan is to meet up somewhere like the red dragon centre, go for some food, maybe bowling or something? Then off to take pictures again. Add you name if you think...
  5. Scott™


    I like number two. You have lens dust though, did you not think to remove it?
  6. Scott™

    Hi :)

    Oh. Sorry dudette. :)
  7. Scott™

    Another Aussie meet

    I always love your photos. Looks great!
  8. Scott™

    Clio 200 update.

    Love AG so so much.
  9. Scott™

    my new clio

    Lush. Needs a splitter :)
  10. Scott™

    Hi :)

    Welcome to the site dude.
  11. Scott™

    LY in Snowy Wales

    Nice car.
  12. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    Blue Lagoon by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  13. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Blue Lagoon by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  14. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    About 100 mate. Focal length 28mm.
  15. Scott™

    first attempt at light painting.

    Good effort for a first attempt.
  16. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    To paint an image you need a torch of sorts. Paint the object on a 30sec exposure but paint it all over for about 10 secs.
  17. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    F2.8 30 second exposure 500 ISO :)
  18. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    I like this.... but don't love it. Light House by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  19. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    I have a Nikor F2.8 28-70 Strumble Star Trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  20. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Another Star trail. Yes another :P Strumble Star Trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  21. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Cheers Dan! It was so dark up there I really stuggled to get focus on anything. Not sure what hyper focusing is? Got a cracker from last night I need to upload!
  22. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Plumbstone Star trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  23. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    Nice effort mate. What tripod do you use? Looks like you have a slight movement between images. One from last night.... Plumbstone Star trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr
  24. Scott™

    New Girl :)

  25. Scott™

    Renault Sport BIG Meet Sunday 11th March!

    1. Scott 2. Matt W loves men. 3. SharkyUK 4. Rollerdan 5. LY04 GAV 6. Hodgins 7. theduck 8. Ashey 9. RB182CUP-FF 10. Lady-Bock +1 11. Kyly and potentially a +1 in a clio 12.Robclio182
  26. Scott™

    Welsh Driving routes, photo locations, places to go.

    Good effort jack, I will consolidate it into a new thread at some point.
  27. Scott™

    The "Ive taken a pic and I kinda like it" thread

    Much better what's the exif?
  28. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    I should indicate the only image that is mine is number 1. The other 2 are for visual purposes haha.
  29. Scott™

    London Photography Meet

    I'd love to do this but its too short notice for the distance away from home as I'd have to stay over.
  30. Scott™

    Guide: Star Trails

    Ok so after a few PM's on asking how I achieved my star trails, I've decided to do a noobs guide on how to achieve them. 197 Star Trail by scott.thomas21, on Flickr Introduction So what causes star trails? Well in essence the Earth is not in a fixed place and rotates. As the Earth moves on...